The universe is governed by law - one great law. Its manifestations are multiform, but viewed from the Ultimate there is but one law. We speak so learnedly of the Law of Gravitation, but ignore that wonderfully equal manifestation, The Law of Attraction. We recognize the power of the law that attracts bodies to the earth, that holds circling worlds in their places, but we close our eyes to the mighty law that draws to us the things we desire or fear, that makes or mars our lives.
When we come to see that Thought is a force – a manifestation of energy – having a magnetic-like power of attraction we will begin to understand the “why” and “wherefore” of many things that have heretofore seemed dark to us. There is no study that will so well repay the student for his time and trouble as the study of the workings of this mighty law of the thought world – The Law of Attraction. When we think, we send out vibrations of fine ethereal substance which is as real as the vibrations manifesting light, heat, electricity magnetism. That these vibrations are not evident to our five senses is no proof that they do not exist.
A powerful magnet will send out vibrations and exert a force sufficient to attract to itself a piece of steel weighing pounds but we can neither see, taste, smell, hear or feel the mighty force. The same with thoughts, we cannot see, taste, smell, hear nor feel. Light and heat are manifestations of vibrations of far lower intensity than those of thought, but the difference is solely in the rate of vibration. “Thoughts are things.” If you fully comprehend the truth of the statement and the natural consequences of the truth back of it, we should understand many things that were oblivious to us and would be able to use the wonderful power, Thought Force, just as we use any other manifestation of energy.
When we think, we set into motion vibrations of a very high degree but just as real as vibrations of light, heat, sound, electricity. And when we understand the law governing the production and transmission of these vibrations we will be able to use them in our daily lives. We are sending out thoughts of greater or lesser intensity all the time, and we are reaping the results of such thoughts.
Not only do our thought waves influence ourselves and thoughts of others, but they have a drawing power – they attract to us thoughts of others, things, circumstances, people, ‘luck’, in accord with the character of the thought uppermost in our minds. Thoughts of love will attract to us the love of others, circumstances and surroundings in accord with the thought, and people who are of like thought. A strong thought, or a thought long continued will make us the center of attraction for the corresponding thought waves of others. Like attracts like in the Thought world. Birds of a feather flock together. Curses like chickens, come home to roost, and bringing their friends with them. The man who is filled with love sees love on all sides and attracts the love of others. Likewise, a man filled with hate and spite, attracts the hatred and spitefulness of others.
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