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Is there ever a time where its reasonable to have faith? Like really. When is it reasonable to have faith? Because if you think about it, whenever its reasonable to have faith it is no longer faith but just rationalisation.. When you have reasons to have faith its just that, reasons. Faith has no reason either than you really wanting something. Faith is not based on any concrete evidence, ever. Faith is the decision of a mind to maintain a disciplined positive expectation of a desired outcome.. And most of us fail in this because our faith fluctuates.. Usually we want reasons to have faith.. The most interesting part in life is that most of who we desire to be is dependant on faith. Just choosing to expect the best and that is independent of any religious beliefs or philosophy. Its a consistent act of a person to choose faith over fear, fear over not having concrete evidence to back it up. Faith is the complete surrender of the need to control things and to have it all figured out..
So ask yourself, is there ever a time where it is reasonable to have faith?

Engage your life process and honour it with faith. Master faith. Those who master faith place their thoughts on the goodness and abundance of the Divine. They keep their minds focused on the truth. They intend and expect to experience the best of everything, all the time and thus receive it. They understand the power if their minds and attract exact reflection of their most dominant thoughts. They surrender ans believe in the presence of an Eternal Intelligence. They understand that they cannot have a desire that will remain unfulfilled which is in harmony with the guiding desires.
Be an example of a living faith. The faith in your ability and right to live a fuller, richer, more meaningful life all the time. You are faith in the flesh. Your Source has so much faith in you that you were entrusted with the gift of life and a unique mission to fulfil. Your task is to return faith with faith. Have faith in God. You must live with the knowledge that everything you need at any time you need it is being provided. Not will be but IS being provided. In every undertaking you must live with faith in the power of your thoughts, the efficiency of your words and the purposefulness of your actions.


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