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Showing posts from June, 2013


Life is a skill. And like any other skill, once you know the ground rules and make the time to practice, you can get better. If you really devote yourself to life, you could even reach a place of mastery. Some have. I suggest to you that there are 3 simple things you can do to get good at life: 1) Pay Attention To Life : It's really easy to let life act on you – to fall asleep to life.. Some people have lost entire decadess this way.. And they never got them back.. Try and write in a journal each morning before you walk out into your world. Think about what goals you need to accomplish that day and write them down. Think about what are your most closely held values. Think about what lessons you've learned from the previous day. What good is making a mistake if you don't learn from it? 2) Engage In Life : I've learned something as I've grown older: the more you give to life,, the more it gives to you.. Over dinner last night with some friends, we began to speak of go...


Success, world-class health, internal fulfilment and sustained happiness don't just happen. These elements of your best life are created. All too often we look at a human being playing their best game on the playing field of life and assume they got lucky or were born into their lofty condition. What we don't see is all the devotion and discipline that went into crafting the extraordinary results we see. What I'm suggesting is that personal and professional greatness takes work. I'm not someone who would ever tell you that you could get to your dreams without having to make some sacrifices and pay the price in terms of dedication and self-control. The best among us make it all look so easy. I call it The Swan Effect - elite performers make personal  excellence look effortless and seem to make things happen as gracefully as a swan moves along the water. But like the swan, what you don't get to see is all the hard-work taking place below the surface. The best way to ...

The truth behind the truth!

What is truth? Maybe the truth about truth is there is no Truth, just perception or consciousness. Just as we can't taste sound or hear yellow or smell hard, truth is just perceptual and subjective to the mode of perception. Yellow is true to the eyes because they can see it, yet not true for the ears because they can't hear it. And yet both are valid perceptual avenues. Reality is the illusion Thought/Perception/Consciousness is what's real.   In this world there are two kinds of truths: real truth and notions that you have convinced yourself are truth. However as I have always observed, truth is a very subjective phenomenon. Subject to your personal viewpoint or point of reference, which is determined by your perception or  paradigm   So debating about what is true and what is not, is like trying to discredit knowledge with knowledge (e.g. science and religion). The truth is that there is no absolute truth (well not in human perspective) because our perceptions a...

Change Your Perception, Change the Reality

P'taah: You deserve it all and whatever you create is wonderful. Your reality depends entirely on how you perceive it to be. Change your perception, you change the reality. Too simple? Change the perception--change the reality. For as long as you perceive lack--whether it is lack of love, lack of money, lack of a good job, lack of a new car, a better house--for as long as you perceive lack, you will simply bring forth to you more lack. For as long as you perceive your life in segments--this is my spiritual life, this is my real life... (Laughter) Yes, I know all of these spiritual truths, but I lack money, I lack an exciting mate, lack, lack lack. And the lack is all based on fear of not being enough. And for as long as there is the fear of not being enough, you will bring forth that which are more and more situations to show you that you are not enough, hmm? Does this makes sense? When you change the perception, you change the reality. The fear of not being enough, the ...

Love & The 4 Keys of Transformation (by P'taah)

What is this stuff, this love? Well love, this creative life force, is the glue that holds the universe together. It is Goddess/God is what it is. Love is just another name for Goddess/God, All-That-Is. Without love there would be no multi-verses and certainly no humanities. So love is the truth of you. Every atom, every molecule, every cell of your body only exists in that resonance of love. Because of the fear that you live with in your consciousness, you very often feel separate from love. But that separation absolutely is an illusion because you could not exist without this glue, without this  reality of love. So everything that occurs in your life, every situation, every person that you draw to you, everything, is just another opportunity to learn more about the truth of you which is love and, there is nothing else. The most difficult part of all of that for you is when you realize that there truly is nothing outside of you but a story and that the being that is req...