Life is a skill. And like any other skill, once you know the ground rules and make the time to practice, you can get better. If you really devote yourself to life, you could even reach a place of mastery. Some have. I suggest to you that there are 3 simple things you can do to get good at life: 1) Pay Attention To Life : It's really easy to let life act on you – to fall asleep to life.. Some people have lost entire decadess this way.. And they never got them back.. Try and write in a journal each morning before you walk out into your world. Think about what goals you need to accomplish that day and write them down. Think about what are your most closely held values. Think about what lessons you've learned from the previous day. What good is making a mistake if you don't learn from it? 2) Engage In Life : I've learned something as I've grown older: the more you give to life,, the more it gives to you.. Over dinner last night with some friends, we began to speak of go...
"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." ~ Carl Jung. A page dedicated to your mental well being, spiritual growth, positive contribution and enhanced personal & professional success.