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Showing posts from September, 2014


Recently in one of my favourtie Facebook group called “LETS TALK”, which is about getting South Africans to post and discuss issues that are on their mind, there has been recent and consistent update that seem to have one sentiment and that is, constant attacks on Christians or believers. It is so interesting to observe how people who do not like or believe in something invest so much time and energy in bashing it, thus they remain captives of the very thing they are not in support of. The irony is that as they are busy condemning it, it in turn condemns them. (Read the comments from the Christians and you will see what I mean. “ What you do to another you do to yourself,” as the adage goes.) No one knows the bible better than the atheists, and the irony is that this makes them no different from the people who actually believe in it. And the reason is because, pushing against something makes you a match to it. The more you push against something, the more you cement it i...


Positive thinking doesn’t work for most people because of one simple truth and that is – Thinking is a skill. And most people haven’t mastered The Art of Thinking. Just because you can inhale air in an out of your lungs doesn’t necessarily mean you know how to breath effectively, remember how as a  kid when the doctor instructed “breathe in” and you would actually make a whizzing sound when in haling because you wanted to indicated that they are breathing, because you clearly knew there was more to it.  So you see, it actually is a skill. I was inspired to write this article tone because of a post someone had forwarded to me. It said… “…Positive thinking is offered up in the U.S. as a cure for cancer, a path to untold riches, and a sure-fire way to engineer your own success. Indeed believing that success depends upon one’s attitude is far preferable to Americans than recognizing that their success is the outcome of the tilted scales of race, class, and gender. As Eh...