No one knows the bible better than the atheists, and the
irony is that this makes them no different from the people who actually
believe in it. And the reason is because, pushing against something makes you a
match to it. The more you push against something, the more you cement it into
your reality. And it is always interesting to watch how people get so hell bent
in disproving others’ truths.
As I have said and always seek to emphasise, “if you believe in something and changes
your life for the better, and gets it as close to your ideals as possible, does it matter
if others don’t think it is true?”
Atheists are so adamant to bringing the Christian community
to its knees that they don’t realise that actually in them pushing against it
they are actually empowering it. The ideology that they seek to do away with
they keep it active by continuously and relentlessly pushing against it, which
empowers it. What you resist persists. Energy
flows where attention goes. This is one of the fundamental laws of the
universe. They are so right about the wrongness of the religion that it
literally becomes their obsession a religion. The thing that you push against
pushes against you thus binding you to it. Remember this is a fundamental law
in the universe. Action causes reaction.
If you are seeking to free yourself from an ideology you do
not agree with, rather than push against, find something you do agree with and turn your attention on. It is
far easier to run towards something than to try and run away from something you
do not want because your focus determines your direction. If you are focused
towards what you do not want, even if you say you want to get rid of it, your
focus keeps moving you towards it. (“Turn the other cheek,” said a man named
In the beginning of my awakening I used to be so adamant in proving the insanity of religion and how a man made god was just a hypocrite and that everyone else is even dumb in believing it. Up until I got a bit clearer that the only reason why I, or anyone else, pushed against something or disproved of something was because I did not know what my reality or truth was. If you know your truth and know what you believe in, and are truly at peace with your truth, you no longer feel the need to push against others people’s truths because you no longer feel the need to justify yours.
Ponder this for a moment and you will see
that it is true. A tree never seeks to disprove the grass in order to become a
tree. It allows the flowers to blossom understanding that they hold no bearing
on how deep its roots go to the ground or how high its branches reach the
I believe that the reason why atheists are so adamant in highlighting the
hypocrisy of religion and showing people this “truth” is because they, like the
religionists still need approval from outside of themselves that what they
have observed is true. They still seek validation which is an affliction that
makes them the same as those whom they say they are against. A true atheist is
one who doesn’t believe what others believe but doesn’t seek to condemn or
convert others into his way of thinking. That where I am. I am actually
spiritual. Meaning I see things with a spiritual connotation. Some atheists reading this may think I am
religious, and some religionists may believe I am an atheist because I do not
oppose any of the two in support of one. I am a Spiritual Atheist, an Agnostic or Pagan. That’s what I am.
Atheists believe that I am religious,
and also some believers would say that I am atheist because of how I speak and I decipher reality, but I follow what Abraham call “The Law of Allowing” which says:
“I Am what I Am and I
am pleased with it, joyful in it… And You are what You are, and while it is
different perhaps from that which I am, it is also good. And because I am able to focus upon that which I want, even
if there are those differences between us that are dramatic, I do not suffer
negative emotions because I am wise enough to not focus upon that which brings
me discomfort. I have come to understand as I am one who is applying The law of Allowing that
I have not come forth onto this physical world to get everyone to follow the
truth that I think is the truth. I have not come forth to encourage the world
into a world of conformity or sameness. For I am wise enough to understand that
in sameness, in conformity there is not the diversity that stimulates creativity.
And that in focusing upon bringing upon conformity I am pointed towards an
ending rather than a continuing of creation. And so Law of Allowing is
absolutely essential to the continuation or the survival of this species, of
this planet, of this universe. Not only that; when I do not allow myself I feel
rotten, and when I do not allow another I feel rotten."
And so that is the basis behind the Law of allowing. Allowing, not in tolerance sense, for when you are tolerating another you are letting them be, you are letting them go ahead and do what they do but you are not liking it. You are still binding yourself with the negativity.
And so that is the basis behind the Law of allowing. Allowing, not in tolerance sense, for when you are tolerating another you are letting them be, you are letting them go ahead and do what they do but you are not liking it. You are still binding yourself with the negativity.
You see, in this
physical world that you are focused and in this physical universe that this
world is a part, there are those things that you are in absolute harmony with,
and there are those things that you are in absolute disharmony with and there
are some of everything in between. But you have not come forth to destroy or to
contain that which you do not agree with for that is a changing thing. Instead
you have come forth to identify moment by moment, segment by segment, day by
day, year by year, what it is that you are
wanting. To use the power of your thought to focus upon it, to utilise the
power of The Law of Attraction to draw it unto you.” ~ Abraham.

That is my truth and I am at peace with it.
And so I will end by asking once more, “if you believe in something and changes your life for the better, and gets it as close to your ideals as possible, does it matter if others don’t think it is true?” And then remind you that
Once you have found your own truth, not the truth you have been convinced to believe either by science or religion, but the truth that was revealed by your own self, it becomes far easier to accept other peoples truths even if you may not believe them or be in agreement with.
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