Watching a documentary on chimpanzees and I couldn’t help but be fascinated about the striking resemblance we have with them. How the look, and also how they communicate with each other especially in showing affection, I saw them kissing. A mother kissing her new born offspring something very similar and symbolic of how we show love to each other. This led me to thinking about evolution. Yes I know it has been debated so many times yet it never seems to reach an end. Maybe because there isn’t really a firm beginning that each side can begin from, only suspicions and assumptions. Often the debate starts off by asking, what came first, the chicken or the egg? Creationist will tell you that the chicken was created first in order to lay an egg. Evolutionists will argue that no it is the egg that gave existence to the chicken. Which of these is right? Who has it twisted and their head not screwed on straight? This debate can go on and on for centuries and it has. It has turned violent...
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