Yes I know it has been debated so many times yet it never
seems to reach an end. Maybe because there isn’t really a firm beginning that
each side can begin from, only suspicions and assumptions. Often the debate
starts off by asking, what came first, the chicken or the egg? Creationist will
tell you that the chicken was created first in order to lay an egg.
Evolutionists will argue that no it is the egg that gave existence to the
chicken. Which of these is right? Who has it twisted and their head not screwed
on straight?
This debate can go on and on for centuries and it has. It
has turned violent at other instances and not only with sour words being
exchanged but military action even been sought after. The likes of the church
wanting to wipe out anyone who opposes the idea of creation as the beginning of
all things. Creationists firmly argue that divine providence is what gave birth
to all existence, that all things were created within seven days. Evolutionists
argue that all things, all matter is a progression of a process where things
evolve from a simple form to one which is more complex. From a cell dividing via
mitosis and meiosis to form a system of tissues. From one cell organism to a
system of multicellular organism. Which of this is true?
Well it is my own opinion and observation that both these
viewpoints are debating different sides of the same coin. “No heads is the
truth” the one will say. “No tail is!” the other would argue. This is where the
circle begins they both say, however both completely oblivious to the truth of
the other because they are so busy trying to prove how wrong the other is, and
also of the fact that really a circle hasn’t really a starting point or an
ending. The cycle of life. No beginning and no ending. I personally see both
these sides as true. Evolution makes sense to me that things evolve/progress
from one form to another. You don’t really have to have an extensive and detailed
study on this, you simply have to observe nature. A seed evolves from being a
seed into being a sprout up until it becomes a plant that can grow to being a
tree or a beautiful flower. A toddler evolves from infancy to childhood into
adult hood. That is evolution in my simplest explanation and observation of the
And this process and progression to fuller expression of
live cannot be anything short of divine order or splendid intelligence that
continues to create a flower and trees till this day through the process of evolution. The
world and planetary systems appears to have been created with such intelligence that it is nothing
short of imagining that a splendid being laid its own hands to crafting this masterpiece.
Of course the most common debate that creationists and
evolutionists have is, if the world was created by a god within a specific
number of days and that just two people to populate the earth, how do you explain
the dinosaur fossils and the multitudes of cultures and beliefs? Well I don’t
really have an answer to all of those points however on one point it is my opinion that the
reason why many creationist believe that the world was formed in 7 days is
because man only got consciousness long after the evolutionary process
of creating trees, rivers and mountains had already taken place. The very
process brought about his very existence so as to now revel in the masterpiece
of this evolution process of the creation of the garden of Eden.
It may seem as if I’m siding with evolutionary theorists
that the world is a result of chance chemical soup combination that led to
life, but I don’t believe this was by chance. Life is too great and too magnificent
to be trivialised as simple a result of an insignificant moment of chance.
There is very great design behind every occurrence. From the oscillations of
the electrons in an atom, to the rearrangement of the climate and environmental
conditions for expanded life expressions. There is a Divine and Infinite Intelligence that is guiding and directing everything that is happening. And
this Divine Intelligence is in perfect harmony with all things and works in
divine order for the progression and evolution of all things to fuller life
expression. We are from this Intelligence that directed the radioactivity that
led to creation of a variety of atoms and elements to give a playground for
life of fuller expression. You see it all around.

Evolution is creation in action. All things were and are
still created by the divine mind of nature through evolution. I think the understanding
of this fact is the beginning of the understanding of one’s true origin and
interconnectedness with all things natural, from trees and water to the
chimpanzee. We are creative being in the evolutionary process; revolving in the
circle of life which we are very much a part of and a result of. And just to conclude I thought I would include this picture by the father of evolution theory. Think this one creationist may agree with?
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