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I am sitting in my room at a guest house after a day’s work, and I am reflecting back on the recent post I published on the Holistic Junkie Facebook page that has gotten some very interest and strong responses from people who were “disturbed” by it. I had to write a blog about it since it would have been too long to post for Facebook, plus to start curbing my dry season of not blogging (I apologise).

This incident really got me thinking about how much we still need to go as a human race as a whole. People really don’t like it when someone holds a different opinion about things, about live. Things such as religion in particular. It always intrigues me to observe just how “innately” some of us refuse or avoid this area in our human issues. We easily can talk about things that are quite base in nature in comparison to really having a talk about things of more concern like the nature of what many of us call God, Religion, and values. We completely hesitate or shy away from discussing such things. We can debate about issues relating to economics, the government, education and social economic standard of the population, yet very few of us even go deep to discussing matters related to the soul, God, religion, and anything else that would require us to look within and make up our own thinking instead of relying on evidence compiled or statistic and information formed by others. Because if it is wrong we don't have to take the responsibility. We can blame others!

If ever we do discuss the subject of God or religion, we only talk about these things in manner that seem to only support what we have been told by those who came before us. We speak of God in the manner that we have been taught to speak of her, in a manner that has been accepted by many without much question. Many would rather continue with the ideology of god and religion as it has been than to think for themselves and risk ridicule. And with such an attitude upon matters that really matter, more than the state of the economy or government, no wonder there is so much degradation of the human spirit because many choose to act like it’s not there or that it is not their job to be concerned by its state. So long as the mind and body are taken care of then all is well. Yet we can see effects of the degradation of the human soul as we observe the amount of turmoil in the world, a world being run like a madhouse, because that’s what it is, people are mad. And not because of the greedy capitalist or the unstable economy but because as humans we have evasively chose to play a passive role in matters that matter. Some would even read this and say they don’t want to hear about this mambo jumbo regarding soul, so lost they are in this physical world that they soul world is a foreign concept to them.

Many believe that religion is the redemption of the human soul and ought to be left untouched for scrutiny, yet some people wonder why they feel so empty every time they go to their respective churches and practise their doctrines. Many fight to keep the very system that brings so much confusion and turmoil, because of the lack of intuition or simple awareness of what they are feeling and because they are scared to think of a new of way of being. Religion, like everything else in the world has its pros and cons, yet  when it comes to really discussing and engaging in things that are of great importance to us and would serve us we are completely stubborn in our ignorance of not admitting that the things that we currently are engaged upon do not serve us. We speak about economic revolutions, social revolutions and legislative amendments, yet when it comes to religion we just back off. We just take the back seat, and allow the ghosts of past saints and prophets to handle the steering wheel of our human experience. We have become a society only driven by dogmatic practices and consumption. Who is taking what from who! Whose land is it! Who has most clothing, money, gadgets? The list goes on and on. But try bringing up the subject regarding God, religion, the soul, it is one of continuous confusion because we simply opt to recite what has been given to us rather than taking thought beyond what has been before. To take other people’s experiences and claim that they are our own. To deny our own experiences for the sake of making those ones sensible, rather to think for ourselves and make up our own conclusions. That is religion.

Spirituality says, make up your own mind, come up with your own experiences and make your own conclusions from there. But of course this we will not do. We will resist it with all our might in order to keep living with candle sticks in the era of light bulbs.

If we ever hope to achieve any form of progress as a race it is time we get real with ourselves and discuss matters that affect our human wellbeing. And talking about the latest celeb gossip or economic crisis is just a clear indication of just how less evolved and aware we are of what serves us. Of just how less we know who and what we really are. If we were to begin to choose to revaluate our previous assumptions we have made so far about ourselves, and this goes to discussing the very issues that we so strongly avoid, only then will the state of this race improve. For we would finally wake up and get to realise that so many of the things that we insist and want to cling on to do not serve us, they erode our soul’s conscience and lead to a madhouse society. This resistance to new thought movement eats away at our psyche.

So following the recent responses I simply say this: I write to provoke thought. I write to stimulate thought and stretch your awareness. You may not be in agreement with it, you may not like it, and that is fine, but one thing you can no longer do is ignore it. You cannot unthink the thought that it has provoked within you. And that is just my purpose. A new thought movement is happening and humanity is now being called up to revaluate its course and make corrections where corrections are needed. But we cannot correct what we do not know or will not acknowledge.

Challenge your assumptions!


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