You look around
and no one else witnessing this amazing moment. As you continue walking
approaching the traffic intersection, few cars drive by the traffic lights and
as usual no one pays attention because, well, that's not what they want to see
and plus she isn't the only beggar in town. As you reach the traffic lights and before you
cross over you then turn to your left and acknowledge the souls in front of
you, and instead of just turning away you then "courageously" ask
her, "How are you?" She replies as everyone typical does, "I am
fine." Then you unhesitatingly ask, "How much do you usually make a day sitting
here?" Shocked at the fact that you actually are taking notice of her, she then says, "I do around 35 and 40 bucks (rands)."
Thirty five to forty, and that's when it’s really "good"?
So the light changes but you don't cross instead you do something as if without even thinking, you take out your wallet and you give her hundred bucks (rands) just like that. She's in disbelief and probably thinks "Hundred bucks!!? WTF!!" And then you smile, and she thinks you're a saint and says things like "if you have a job for me even if it’s cleaning please find me one. I am always here." But you are just a simple student and that moment was a moment where two souls met to make an announcement of who they each are. One is aware of this (you) the other is not (her). Oh and the child is just gazing at you as if you have some halo around you head.
Now here's a
question, as she told you how much she makes a day just sitting and begging,
and after you gave her the little money you had what do you
suppose she would do when you leave? Would she a)pack up and go because she has
made roughly 2 to 3 times more than she makes a day if not a week. Or she would
still sit there and beg even if she has gotten that little from you?

The truth is that, the action only dealt with the leaves of the tree instead of the roots. It focused on effect rather than the cause, the projection rather than the projector. Yet how often do we insist on dealing with major issues that face the world such as poverty and injustice and famine in the same manner? Focusing on eradicating the effect rather than going to the roots. Many of our governments, churches and even NGOs do this. The intention is good, but the actions methods do yield any significant change. They try in alleviating the “bad things” they do not want to see by taking actions that are motivated by what they do not want to see. What you resist persists, and naturally this does nothing to remove that very thing, for it touches on just trimming the leaves off the branches instead of removing rotten roots and poisonous water supply. Nothing can change until you change the hearts of man.

As I have said
in one of my articles that each of us has the power to bring relief but more importanly our job is to bring empowerment. We are not here to salvage people from the
unfair events of life because each of us are exposed to the same matrix, we are to render
assistance where possible in order to remind each other of the true power in each
of us to create the kind of world we want to live in. We can change the matrix! This power is in each of
us, from the popper to the pope, the prostitute to the priest, the saint to the
sinner, each of us has the power to make this world and better place and a true
announcement of who we really are. And once we begin taking humanitarian
efforts with such awareness in mind (although not easy) that is when true and
lasting change will come, for we will have gone to the root cause of things
rather than continuing to cut off the branches of a poisonous tree from poisoned waters (thoughts).
It does begin with us. From simply making that effort to donating whatever little we have not because we feel pity but we see the truth of their power in their eyes to forming new legislation that are a better announcement of who we are as a collective society. If the water is poisonous and the roots are rotten the tree can never bare good fruits.
The question now is and will always be, are you going answer your souls call to expression of love and relief, not because something is bad but because something good is within you? Or you going to continue delaying and waiting on the world to change before you do?
Nothing can change until we change the hearts of man. You are the man.
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