'The pen is mightier
than the sword' was coined by Edward Bulwer-Lytton in for his play "Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy," 1839:
“True, This! -
The pen is mightier than the sword. Behold
The arch-enchanters wand! - itself a nothing! -
But taking sorcery from the master-hand
To paralyse the Caesars, and to strike
The loud earth breathless! - Take away the sword -
States can be saved without it!”
The people which one must be most fearful of are the ones
who have intangible powers to move the world. It is not your governments, nor
the police or even the army. All these forces do not compete with this force.
In fact, those forces I have mention are usually placed to try and curb the
rampant effect of this one, formidable force, and the people who have command of
this force usually don’t have guns, armour or even an office at times; they
are just simple craftsman. They are powerful however, because they are moulders
of the human psyche, at the palm of their hand they hold the consciousness of
humanity through the simple art of writing.
Often times I get a remark form someone telling me how they don’t
agree with what I write or propose, whether it’s openly speaking up for gay
rights, or highlighting religious hypocrisy. And what I have often said even in
one of my post is that, “I write to provoke thought. I write to stimulate thought and stretch your awareness. You may not be in agreement with it, you may not like it, and that is fine, but one thing you can no longer do is ignore it. You cannot unthink the thought that it has provoked within you. And that is just my purpose.”
The people whom you should be more scared of than the puny
government forces are writers. Your poets, you play writer, sculptors of
consciousness. These are the people who mould how we see the world. They hold
the power of words and if well placed or phrase creates an army that can neither
be held back no stopped. A simple idea powerfully express has more force than
the finest of armies under that direction of the most powerful man. No amount
of army force can hold back an idea once it has been given the power of words. as Victor Hugo put it, " All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come." And those in control want to stop new ideas from flowing.
You religious leaders and your governments completely
understand this which is why they try to dictate, with a more cunning manner,
what you read, what you listen to, and what you see. Your churches tell you
what scriptures to read and which books to avoid claiming they are “works of
the enemy” because they understand the most powerful weakness of the human mind
and that is; if you plant an idea in the mind, soon that idea will become a
habit, a mode of operation. One philosopher even put it beautifully by saying
“once a mind has been stretched by a new idea it can no longer return to its
original dimension.” Thus the most powerful people are those who can write and
sway, yes sway, others into their way of thinking.
Governments understand this, which is why states want to
have control over publishing houses. Even president Robert Mugabe insisted that
the newspaper companies be shut down. In South Africa there has even been controversy around The Secrecy Bill which aims at dictating which material is worthy to be
published to the masses regarding the government. In North Korea it is at its
most extreme as those who are found “blaspheming” King Jan Jul are held for
treason and tortured if not executed. The state understand the power of words and
the power of the human mind, which the masses that is being controlled is awareness of. They are led to think that what is being shown to them by
the state even religious institutions is pure and not tempered information.
“A mind once stretched by a new idea cannot return to its
original dimension." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
The most powerful men in history are the ones who knew how
to use the power of words to mobilise the masses, whether for good or bad. Hitler did. Abraham Lincoln did. During the apartheid era in South Africa, Nelson Mandela's letters were read before allowed to be posted to her then wife, Winnie
Mandela . And any words of phrase that
would inspire a new thought to the people of South Africa who were fighting against
apartheid were inked out, because the state knew the power of words in paper.
The greatest revolutionaries happened in silence. Through pen a paper countries
fell and rose. Cities were conquered and the enemy thrashed by a simple
mechanism of pen and paper. An simple idea expressed with neat and precision
has more power than the finest and strongest of armies. Whether it’s a
scriptwriter, songwriter, or poets, each of these has the power of the feeding
the audience, listeners and readers his ideas and philosophy.

The pen is mightier than the sword. A writer who can
powerfully express his idea in writing has more power than all the government
and religious forces. You believe what you believe because of the writing of
someone. You scriptures and creeds are firmly etched in your consciousness
because of the writings that the churches and the governments had perpetuated
ideas of someone else. And them seeking to control your literature is them
maintaining control over your thinking capacity, thus the people to fear most
are not those of authority but those of indomitable skills when pen and paper
meet to create a new world order from scratch.
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