“As soon as you are
born they make you feel small.
By giving you no time
instead of it all.
Till the pain is so
big you feel nothing at all
Working class hero is
something to be”
These are lyrics from John Lennon's song “Working Class Hero.” I recently posted on Facebook that for most people,
job title is the only thing they can boast. And that most people they don't
even enjoy the jobs that they hold but will use the titles as a
"glamour" front to appear as established and having it made... It’s
In the current society that we live
in, we have been institutionalised to denounce our creative geniuses for the
promised land of job security and comfort. As attractive, and surely comforting
this is, what it does it stops growth and creativity. It is actually a penitentiary used to imprison everyone throughout the spectrum without any regard for gender,
age or colour.
We have been taught, quite
literally, on how not to be individual and creative and that we should always
strive to obey an order and renounce intuition. To conform and be obedient to
authority and never seek out to find our own way. Each of us has been dealt
this blow on our creative souls and only a few dare to be rebellious and
non-conforming and break free from this bondage are the ones who shape the world to
their standard. These are the misfits of society.
“Paranoia is in bloom,
The PR transmissions will resume
They'll try to push drugs that keep us all dumbed down
And hope that we will never see the truth around
Another promise, another seed
Another packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed
And all the green belts wrapped around our minds
And endless red tape to keep the truth confined"
The whole system (The Matrix) has
been carefully organised to make you subordinate to the control of someone’s
wishes and living according to the measures that they have set for everyone and
disguised it as “the ultimate expression of success and happiness.” Many of us
unfortunately have fallen to this gimmick of mass incarceration and many still
do. We are being groomed from a very tender age, first through religion, and
then the educational institutions, to be submissive and willing slaves to be
exploited without question.
“They keep you doped
with religion, sex and TV
And you think you’re
so clever, classless and free
But you are still fucking peasants as far as I can see”
Often times when people and want to strike a conversation to
know each other, the most frequent question that is asked is, what do you do?
Meaning what’s your place in the corporal world? What’s your job title? It is
always interesting to observe how most people define themselves by titles they
hold. They use that as a mark of their worth and accomplishment. And there is this pervasive
feeling that “the more prestigious my title sounds the more worth I am.” Social
classes are set by individuals who don’t see how the system has been devised to
keep a few elite in power while many strive for pseudo status and success.
“There is room at the top they are telling
you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you
If you want to be like all the folks on the hill”
If you want to be like all the folks on the hill”
We strive to be the smartest, the
fastest, the prettiest, all in hopes of getting the first prize of being
controlled and being a possession of a system that seeks to make revenue out of
human spirits. And
many of have fallen to this trap. We compete and we kill to
be at the top of the hill. A culture founded on the illusion of scarcity and separation. We live in
a society where having a job is more valued than having freedom. A society
where job titled is favoured over ingenuity. Where passion is passed aside for
consumption. And no one knows this better than the struggling artists, as our current business operation is bottom line driven than value and contribution driven. We are living a in a mad house where the media dictates what we
wear, what’s trending, and how we see ourselves. we stive to mimic the images being deliberately broadcasted of the false meaning of success and happiness.As I had said in the beginning we live in society where most people the only thing that they have to boast about is a job title, and the saddest irony is that most don’t find joy in those positions. And they do bring what was promised, pseudo prestige and empty accolades from the masses as they congratulate you for possessing more stuff and not much of your life and time.
We are creative beings and this
society tramples upon that without any mercy. We have been led to
denounce the
biggest and the most prestigious portion of our beings and this, to create
something out of nothing. To conceive and create things in our image which
reflects our likeness, for we are not what we do but what we create. Defining
yourself by the occupation you hold is the ultimate sign of lack of self-worth.
Creatives, writers, poets, entrepreneurs, artists of all sorts, these are the people who hold the true substance of self-wroth, for they are measured by what they create from within and not from memorising equations or reciting clause or implementing policies. These are the people who are most alive because they are judged and critiqued for who they are and not how well they fit the job description.
Creatives, writers, poets, entrepreneurs, artists of all sorts, these are the people who hold the true substance of self-wroth, for they are measured by what they create from within and not from memorising equations or reciting clause or implementing policies. These are the people who are most alive because they are judged and critiqued for who they are and not how well they fit the job description.
If you are defining yourself and
measuring your worth and success by how well you fit a job description just
know that you are individuality and opting to be a clone. Relying upon your job
to be your foundation of pride is relying of loose sands to build you castle on.
They will get blown by the winds of time and soon it will all be gone and
living you with just a dust to reminisce of your past “glories”. I have often
seen and noticed the feeling of gloating among peers either in as former high school
mates or varsity students of now being the typical definition of success. But
many will not honestly tell you how their jobs are not what they enjoy and how they
want to leave their job and pursue their passion. You can tell an individual’s
self-awareness by how eagerly they boast about their art or their job title.
One inspires, the other expires.
I am not what I do. I am what I
This is a less than upbeat
article, I admit that and I do not intend to make you despair about the impossibility of escaping the current system. But rather, to invite
you to the thrilling journey of reshaping how we as the current generation
choose to set up a new system; to remould the matrix so that it inspires more than
it leaves people in despair and drains them of any hope of a fulfilling future.
Currently we have been programmed to operate in survival and fear mode. I do not propose that we do away with the current matrix for that is an impossible feat since its instilled within the fiber of society. However what I do propose is a revolution - A rEvoltion of the mind, where we strive to evolve and elevate our consciouness by engaging the process of evolution consciously and defining ourselves by what comes within, rather than what jobs we hold. To set alight that creative spark within each of us in order to bring a New World Order. A New World Order no longer based in greed and intolerance but on fairness and respect for all life.. A world order that will lead to all man’s happiness.
Currently we have been programmed to operate in survival and fear mode. I do not propose that we do away with the current matrix for that is an impossible feat since its instilled within the fiber of society. However what I do propose is a revolution - A rEvoltion of the mind, where we strive to evolve and elevate our consciouness by engaging the process of evolution consciously and defining ourselves by what comes within, rather than what jobs we hold. To set alight that creative spark within each of us in order to bring a New World Order. A New World Order no longer based in greed and intolerance but on fairness and respect for all life.. A world order that will lead to all man’s happiness.
As rock band Muses sings in the “Uprising" song:
Come, let the revolution
take its toll
If you could flick the switch and open your third eye
You'd see that we should never be afraid to die
Rise up and take the
power back
It's time the fat cats had a heart attack
You know that their time's coming to an end
We have to unify and watch our flag ascend
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