"Wealth is a product of a man's ability to think." Ayn Rand
Often in the news we are shown constant images
of how a number of the population is
struggling while probably only one tenth is swimming in riches they don't even
know what to do with it. I will not assume a position of denying this present situation. "Wealth" seems to be monopolised and to some degree it probably is and
there has been outcry for “redistribution of wealth”. However, it would be
liberating to remember and acknowledge that the “wealth” that is
monopolised is only the erroneous idea about wealth that most people have been
blinded with, which is mainly monetary. It is only a fraction, or a pot of gold,
of the mountain of gold that lies unnoticed or explored. This mountain of
wealth is invisible to many of us because we have our eyes set on the small pot
of gold that only a few have gotten their hands on.
We are in an era of a paradigm shift where we are
reshaping our collective consciousness. And part of the process of reshaping
consciousness is the acquiring of "new”, or rather, forgotten knowledge. Knowledge
that may have been hoarded by some people but is accessible, yet still very few have
come to understand.
Would you agree that if we were to know what the
rich know and do what the rich do then we would have to be rich as well? Would
you agree that it is a fundamental law that like causes produce like effects? If
your answer is yes, which I am confident it is, then that is all that's needed
– a redistribution of a Real Wealth Knowledge which
will produce wealth of the material nature, for it is a fact that before acquiring anything you first need to conceive it. Everything starts
in thought. The majority of our population is kept in constant need because of
lack of proper, wealthy knowledge.
Poor thinking habits keep most people
poor! Not poor working habits. Most people work hard but they don’t think hard.
You see, in this planet that we are a part of, and the universe
that this planet is a part of, there are laws that can easily be observed by anyone who will stop for a moment and just wonder and look deeply. We call these Natural Laws and most of us have gotten
familiar with this term. We call them Natural
Laws because not only are they easily observable by any mind but they also
respond in equal proportion to every mind– it doesn’t matter whether you are black
or white; male or female. There are many people who are of different demographics and geographical
displacements however have come to the same conclusion about some of the operating
principles of this universe (there are myriads books filled with in depth knowledge and wisdom about these laws).

In his The Law of Opulence book, Wattle D. Wallace once said that,
“There are people who believe others have to go without in order for some to have enough. That wealth or success is only possible for those who have superior ability or the power to attract to themselves a large portion from the limited supply.”
Many people all over the world believe there is not enough goodness, yet
have you sat down and observed nature? Have you ever heard of trees hoarding
the sun's light from the grass, or the rainfall water from other plants for
themselves? That is because Nature does and has everything in abundance. And
here is the big part – Man is part of nature! The only scarcity exists is in
the mind of a man.
Teach a man about the abundance of nature he
immediately drops the idea of competition and scarcity and becomes wealthy, for
he now functions in harmony with the laws of nature and uses them to his benefit
rather than his detriment. There are laws in the universe and one of the laws
is that nothing can be kept away from you except out of your own ignorance of
it, whether good or bad.
You attract what you conceive
including wealth, and no amount of human force can keep that from or bring that
to you, except you. Think wealth and you will attract it. Think abundance and
you will live in it. Think life and you will have it. It is Law. “All
that we are, is a result of what we have thought”, said the Buddha.
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