I usually like to take a walk at midnight when the world is silent to just feel for Something Broader . And one Monday night I went to go get some bread at a petrol station close by. In my head I was just going through some meditation, as I always do, to raise my vibration so as to connect even much stronger with the cosmos. It is dark and quiet and one cannot help but feel the deepness of his surroundings. As I gently and calmly trod along, I began to feel as though someone or something was watching me. I felt Essence. Have you ever had that feeling that something or someone is watching you? Usually this happens especially during the night when you are walking by yourself. You probably have noticed how most people tend to have their senses heighten during such times and often have some form of paranoia whenever they are walking at night. Most of the time they are anticipating or being alert should something or someone be out try to harm them. You probably have had these types o...
"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." ~ Carl Jung. A page dedicated to your mental well being, spiritual growth, positive contribution and enhanced personal & professional success.