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I usually like to take a walk at midnight when the world is silent to just feel for Something Broader. And one Monday night I went to go get some bread at a petrol station close by. In my head I was just going through some meditation, as I always do, to raise my vibration so as to connect even much stronger with the cosmos. It is dark and quiet and one cannot help but feel the deepness of his surroundings. As I gently and calmly trod along, I began to feel as though someone or something was watching me. I felt Essence.

Have you ever had that feeling that something or someone is watching you? Usually this happens especially during the night when you are walking by yourself. You probably have noticed how most people tend to have their senses heighten during such times and often have some form of paranoia whenever they are walking at night. Most of the time they are anticipating or being alert should something or someone be out try to harm them. You probably have had these types of moments that I am reflecting on here. Each of us has, and Have you ever wonder what and why that is?

Usually during the day you are preoccupied need to focus your attention on the things in your presence and your senses are shrunk to your present point of focus. However as the day starts slowing down and you move to the moment of resting you are easing up on your focus on your surrounding in order to withdraw and thus sleep. In these Moments of withdrawal what you are doing actually is, you are allowing your focus to get inflated. And as you do that you are allowing the Broader Essence of You to resound much more strongly as there is lesser commotion.  This Essence is your Cosmic Consciousness. It is this Essence that will alert you of upcoming danger, and guide you to avoid it in that moment. And it is the Essence that makes you feel that you are being watched as you walk at night and as you gaze upon the night sky; it is the cosmos resounding in you. This Essence is with you, IN you, all day every day, every moment, just that most moments you are distracted by many things and dramas of this world.

Now, as I was gazing upon the heavens that midnight and just breathing in deeply, I noticed that I seem to periodically lose sense of time. I did not feel the Monday-ness of the moment, nor did I feel the Midnight-ness of it. I suddenly noticed and felt the truth and realness of this moment, and the truth was that it was  the forever present moment of Now – the Eternal Moment of Now. I realised that this moment is no different from the moment that people would choose to call it as a New Year’s Day, or a Saturday night out partying. I realised that I (we) am actually living in a continuous moment of Now, and that all the events that have happened, and are happening and will happen, are being held in this Expanding Eternal Moment of Now.  Time is an Illusion it has been said, and I finally got to feel the depth of that statement. Time is just a mental construction (constriction) of us trying to segment this BIG expanding moment that is ever changing yet ever constant.

We live in One eternal moment where all manifestations are happening at Once. As you are now here in a physical body, you are experiencing the ever present moment of Now being filled by the Essence of your Being as it pours through you as you, You are experiencing the Beingness of your being, meaning by the evolution of your present perspective. There is no time. All there is, is this Now Moment that we are all shaping and reshaping ourselves in accordance to our desires and awarenesses. This is the matrix of reality, where all that we are, has been and always will encapsulated in this forever evolving, Constant Moment of Now.

As you are physically focused here in this present reality, you are actually pouring in – flowing in – your Eternal Consciousness with each evolution of this Moment of Now. You are presently witnessing and crafting your own evolution while remaining constantly unbounded in your perspective. You are manifesting every moment all over the place, and there is more of you than you have been able to grasp and sense. When you walk, the next moment of you right foot is a new you, it’s a constant manifestation of the art of self-creation that is happening instantaneously. You are literally manifesting reality eternally in this Moment.

This moment could be whatever you label it as. It could a moment you label as your birth, as your moment you are graduating, even a moment when you are sleeping, or as a moment of heartache, joy, confusion, elation. They are contained in one moment, and the physical vessel with which you currently in the form of, assists you in experience this one moment as a series of moments which are overlapping each other. It is like a prism diffracting white light in order to give off different colours of the spectrum. You are always present in this moment. There is never a moment in which you don’t exists. Even when you experiencing what you call your physical death, you are simply shifting from one specific moment to the other.  All these moments are One Moment. All of it is happening right now and it is also result of your moment by moment choices.

You are manifesting all over the place, and as you are manifesting there is a relationship going on between you and You. Meaning, between the essence that is being offered by you in your genius, brilliant point of you and the You that existed before you were born and still exists even now as you are here in this physical form. This Essence is in every moment of the One eternal Moment of Now. When you begin to realise your relationship to this moment, and to the Essence of you that is constantly in conscious awareness of you, what you will begin to feel is an exhilarated and unlimited potential in each moment of this eternal moment, and sense of a stronger connection to all things around you for you are now feeling them in your Being.

This moment is Big. Its bigness is incomprehensible through the mental construction of time. It is the true eternalness of Eternity. The no-beginning-no-ending to it. And You are (in) this Moment forever world without end.


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