Enlightenment is no respecter of colour or creed or
religion. All things in the universe work to bring enlightenment because
everything illuminates and everything is essentially one thing. One can become
enlightened by reading and meditating on the words of the bible and one can
become enlightened by reading and contemplating studies and research compiled
by science. Enlightenment is always readily attainable for any person who is
now asking for it. Even from a simple utterance of words from someone or radio commercial can
spark the process of Enlightenment for the soul that now yearns to understand.
An enlightened being is one who is not hell bent on trying
to prove his wisdom, or that he is right; because he strongly understands the simple truth that all paths lead to one
basic and common truth which is, We are all one and Love is all there is. Any
path that makes your heart sing and fills it with love and kindness is the path
you must take. Many would love to claim that theirs is "The one true path" and
that others are just gimmicks to distract you from the one true path. Others
would like to prove why theirs is the real path by laying out testimonies and
evidences in order to coax you into following their path. Many believe that
through one divine being you will reach the "Promised Land." However, if there was only one path and only
one truth, to that land then the mountain would only have one side in which it can
be climbed. The would only be one tree with only one branch that would produce
only one fruit that would satisfy the soul's hunger for Self Realisation. For
that is what all paths lead to, the realising of the True Self, and the true
self is ultimately in all.
The spark of the divine is in all, through all and for all, on
all paths. The divine is in the plenty. The divine is diverse.

Enlightenment is what life is about, to make
our light out of our darkness of forgetfulness and thus making our Wills on
earth as it is in heaven.
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