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I recently had an interesting discussion with a friend. Both of us are in Mozambique for some commissioning work at a mine site, and on our way to the market after knocking off for the day, we started having a random conversation about Mozambique and South Africa. The talk was started when we observed on the side of the road some juveniles ploughing the soil. I had found it quite odd that there were guards, in khaki shirts and pants, watching over this “workers”, and my colleague quickly pointed out that they were actually inmates. He then remarked that it is not like in South Africa where inmates are treated like royalty as they get free food, a decent shelter and free education, to name just a few of the perks. He then said he doesn’t like South Africa because of the crime. And that all of this wouldn’t be an issue if the government simply was more violent in punishing the perpetrators and also bring back the death penalty.

Now the conversation went on for a length of time however what had interested me most during the conversation was how he then unbeknown to me started expressing that his main concern is for his three children. Whether they would get any job or a good life with the way the current system of governance. He expressed concerned of how people of his skin colour (white) seem to now be marginalised and that all the options for a good life are being hoarded for the “previously disadvantaged” group, from bursaries to employment. He wondered how will his children get by or survive in this system that seems to be doing reverse discrimination. And that, even with this new government there still seems to a number of people of all races now who are still living in poverty while the few elite (the president) splurge public funds on funding their lavish lifestyles (The Nkandla Saga). He then said ag he doesn’t care.

"The real question is what system do we have in operation that pushes someone to the need to steal or rape or kill?"

In our conversation I pointed out certain things to him. With regards to absolving crime and bringing the death sentence, I pointed out the absurdity of such a thinking, where we say we will kill someone for killing someone because killing is wrong. Or that if someone steals they should chop their hand or if someone rapes they should castrate them. All of this, he said, is to make people fear the law. Use fear as the motivator for obedience. With which I personally do not agree with. He then asked how would I then punish them if not by violence and instilling fear upon others who may think to do the same?  

The real focus or question is not what should be as methods of punishing those who perpetrate the laws but rather, what system is  it that makes it necessary for someone to do such thing. The real question is what system do we have in operation that pushes someone to the need to steal or rape or kill?  The real question is what is our Governing Principle as a society. As a community. As nation. As the world? Within each sovereign state there are people who are crying out for change. There are people who are unhappy with the government or the society. There are people who are suffering and experiencing unnecessary hurts, all because of two painful reasons. One, because some people, like my friend, have resorted to not be bothered anymore. Have resorted not to care. So long i am left alone and all things are good with me and the ones that I love the so be it. And two, because the people of the each nation have given their power away by electing someone to govern them. People do not know the amount of power they have to shape the course of they history because they have given responsibility of liberty to someone who has only their self interested at heart.

There worlds condition, no matter any country you look in, are the result of the masses being indifferent to the plight of their neighbour. Of each other. All the problems of the world arise from one operating system, a system based on fear rather than love. If people  of any society, culture or nation were to choose, really choose to make Love their governing principle for their system of governance, all wars and chaos would be over. All slavery and starvation would end. All crimes would be gone, because there would no longer be a need for anyone to steal, to murder, to connive if all man’s basic needs were met and respected by the collective community.

As Conversations with God Book 2 said:

It is time for the world to stop kidding itself, to wake up, to realize that the only problem of humanity is lack of love. Love breeds tolerance, tolerance breeds peace. Intolerance produces war and looks indifferently upon intolerable conditions.

Love cannot be indifferent. It does not know how.

The fastest way to get to a place of love and concern for all humankind is to see all humankind as your family. The fastest way to see all humankind as your family is to stop separating yourself."

Every article that I post is to show you that you are not alone in this journey. To get us to be crusaders of goodness. To bring hope where there is despair. To bring courage where there is fear. To bring comfort where there is distress. Every one of has a mandate to fulfill. A mission to carry. Each of has the obligation to change the world for the goodness of all man.  So the question now is, will you start caring just enough and start being the source of a new world order of Love and The Brotherhood of Man? To Change The World?


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