The hardest thing in the world is being a Visionary Leader.
Not just a leader, but a visionary leader.
Recently I have started a new business project with some
couple of friends of mine, and as we seek to expand our business I have notice
something quite strikingly prevalent in so many people; most people they don’t believe.
Not that they don’t believe but what I mean is they don’t believe in dreams or
the goodness of life. They don’t believe it can be possible to live the lives
they want to lead and so they find any means and reason to support that belief
of lack of belief.
Most people want to play it “sane”; they don’t want to be
seen as delusional or as Dreamer. That is a relatively highest persecution or
indictment that they perceive they can receive, so they bland out and try to be
reasonable in their aspirations. They gather facts and opinions and try to
mould their ideals to those facts. Most people don’t dare to be wrong and to
mess up or try because of one common mental disease that plagues all man of all
colour or nationality or creed, the fear of failure. Most people want to avoid
this experience at all cost, even if meaning surrenderng their ideals and
wishes. In fact most people are so fearful of this that they would try to
caution others who seem to be daring enough to skid on the edge of the cliff in
order to see the horizon clearly. Most people would use any tact to discourage
someone who seems to be holding a vision inside so strong that it shines out to
those who have held it but allowed it to get dimmed by a fear filled world.
“Being a visionary takes heart. Not mental capacity, not incredible talent
or strength, not incredible physique. Heart.”
People resent anyone or anything that would remind them of
the aspiration that they have long givev up on because they have chosen to
listen to the facts and opinions of everyone else. You see, being a visionary
means you are using Insight – sight from within – to see something that cannot
be seen with the eyes but with the heart. Being a visionary takes heart. Not
mental capacity, not incredible talent or strength, not incredible physique. Heart. The simplest yet deadliest ingredient
because you see, those who are now fearful spectators of life, were once dreamers but have had their
hearts crushed by a realistic world. By facts of it "can’t be done" and opinions of
Many people have their hearts desire stolenbecause they chose to believe that anyone besides themselves to know better for what’s right for them; knows the truth. Many people allowed
themselves to be dissuaded from their dreams because of not being cautious of
whom they share their dreams with. You have to be wise and cautious.
A dream is a fragile thing. And you have got to take care of
it. It is like planting a tree, you have to nurture it and protect it. Protect it
from the blazing sun (cynical people) and dried up soil (indifferent people)
and noxious weeds. That is why being a visionary leader is the toughest
position to uphold. You will have to deal with the ills and infections of the
world that is filled by scorned dreamers. We are all dreamers, because we were
all once kids. And it is that moment that we assumed the roles of being “adults”
that we lost our capacity to dream. And the work of a Visionary Leader is to
rekindle and remind the burnt dreamers of their once childish zeal for
expecting the goodness of life as the norm. Nothing significant has ever been
brought by a realist. What realists are, are observers of the past, what
visionaries are, are the creators of the future. And ultimately:
Be a Visionary and move the world to a brighter
tomorrow, through your ideals. And remember that they job of a leader is to
turn vision into reality, sceptics into believers. And that is not an easy job.
But leaders are not born out of easy circumstances but tough decisions. Dare to
be a dreamer.
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