People ache for great listening. Do you give it to them? I so passionately believe that one of the single best things you can do to get your relationships (both professional and personal) to world-class is to become alarmingly good at listening. Yup-alarmingly good is the standard I'm pressing you to reach.
As a young lawyer, I worked with a senior litigator who was just "insanely great" (Steve Jobs term) at making people feel heard. It wasn't forced. It wasn't faked. It wasn't artificial. Just a truckload of masterful, heartfelt listening every time I was with him. And guess what, that was the best professional relationship I had at that office. I'd do anything for him. He had my respect. And my loyalty. And my outright friendship. Because I knew (versus believed) he cared.
Listening's like that. Seems like simple stuff, this listening business. But it's outrageously hard in a world where we can be so self-centered. And in a world where we all suffer from collective ADD. So hard to focus. So hard to concentrate. So hard to listen. But no organization can get to extraordinary without
excited, engaged and enthusiastic people. And no human being can ever find authentic success without the
help of people. And people need listening. Crave it. Hunger for it. More than you may imagine. Oh the way it feels when someone gives you the listening you need. It's
so very rare isn't it? And yet so exceptionally powerful.
I know you want to reach your mountaintop. I know you know you've been enlisted for greatness. I know you are one of the rare breed that is doing special things. And one of the most special of all is being a brilliant listener. Get to your Next Level of Listening. Master that art. It'll rock your world.
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