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"A man can choose to be anything. He can partake in, be a part of anything that he wants to. He can become a beast, he can become a god. He can do anything." This thought keeps reappearing in all the writings of man. It states that we become what we choose to become whether we realise it or not.

This is so true because as I grow older, I notice just how broad my being is. BEING: the continuous movement of becoming!! As a high school pupil I only saw myself as a math and science student whose aim was to be a master of science and nothing more. And then in  first year varsity I noticed my perception  grew from a science student to one whose aim was to be a respectable chemical engineering professional, then suddenly I noticed that not only do I love science, but I have a proclivity for some business,  philosophy and even writing who knew!! And then that grew to psychology, which grew to  philosophy and spirituality and all of this my high-school-year old self would not conceive. The same I know it is true for you. We are often asked at a very young age to choose what we want be for the rest of our lives that some of us feel overwhelmed about the prospect of making the wrong choice. But looking at the unlimited potential the future holds for each of us, we can rest assured that what we most want to be is only a single choice away. It is never too late to be who/what you might have been.

When I bumped into a phrase of  "You are an unlimited being, you have no ceiling, you can be anything" I really didn't understand that phrase let alone think much of it. But as I look back I'm startled by what I've become and even more so now, anticipating what I'll be who I'll be in the next 3 , 8, 21 months time.. We are human beings, Superior beings, capable of being anything that we so interestingly want and choose to be. We are unlimited beings, we have no ceiling. The capabilities, talents and gifts and the power that are within every single individual on this planet is unlimited.

"Man can choose to be anything,” as Pico Della Mirandola wrote so long ago in the Dignity of Man, and as the modern existentialist point out, “ but all too often man doesn't know what he wants to be. Or fearful of the unknown and uncertainty of life, so he holds on to what he has rather than  risk losing it for something of less value to it. Often fearful or not aware of his real powers, living far below his true capacities, he plays for small stakes not realising that he holds all the cards."

When you come to understand something like this, it makes you sit down thoughtfully and ask yourself "what is it that I want to become, or what is it I want to become next?"

"A man can choose to be anything. He can partake in, be a part of anything that he wants to. He can become a beast, he can become a god. He can do anything." written in the 15th Century.


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