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After the weekend on the road to Upington and back, Monday morning I was off again with my supervisor  to the mountains of  Mpumalanga (meaning "where the sun rises"). Bags were packed and I had made reservation for us to a lodge called Misty Valley Lodge ( I need to mention the name because its an important bit of information to remember.) So the trip was for work purposes. I was heading to the mines to do some process work auditing (if you didn't know, i am an engineer also)

My drive from Johannesburg to Mpumalang was sunny, easy and not as long as that one I had taken to go to Upington. A two and a half hour drive and i was near may destination, then the most bizarre thing happened. The weather, out of nowhere shifted from bright and sunny to full blown Misty. Yep, that's it! I had entered the vicinity leading to MISTY VALLEY LODGE!! Breath taken by the sudden change and the revelation of why its called misty valley (there was nothing on the brochure about this), i settled in with a  mist just covering everything from sight.  

Fast forwarding to the first day of the audit and coming back from the mines. as soon as we were making our way close to lodge again which was 14km from the mines The road suddenly was incredibly foggy, and the cloud cover was one I've never seen. As we were driving in between the mountains both on our way to and from the mines, I suddenly got a glimpse of what life sometimes (or most of the times rather) is like.

All so often you will have no view of what lays ahead you. The road to your destiny is often misty and clouded (mainly by other people’s opinion about your destination). But so long as you keep on the road towards your destination, you will have to reach it. You will come across, road signs out of the fog, speed humps, potholes, truck drivers, hitch hikers, but so long as you keep focus on to you objectives or destinations, all those things are lead ups to where you want to be.

The misty fog of Misty Valley was something out of a Steven Spielberg movie. And I was in awe of the understanding on how it signified the nature of life. You can't see beyond where you are, but even amidst the mist you have something in you that guides you always to where you want to be. And the key is to know (not hope or guess) that you're being guided always, and that sooner than you would think, (if you just keep on the road and not get derailed, you will reach where you want to be.)

It reminds me of lyrics from a song by Jon Bon Jovi "Life is a highway; I want to ride it all night long"

Let that be your anthem as you make your journey to whatever you call paradise..


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