The study of the universe forces us to one admission and that is, there is a Universal Force which possesses the attribute of Directivity, meaning the power to bring the right body to the right place at the right time. There is a Mind of the universe, the Infinite Intelligence which you may called God.
This Intelligent Power controls the movements of planets, galaxies, universal expansion, and we must concede to it all other power, for the so-called forces are but different phases of manifestation of the One Force. The power we see in a thunderstorm is the same as that we see in the movement of the stars. This Infinite Intelligence and Power cannot be directed to do “wrong” or to do anything not in harmony with its own purpose. Man may direct Infinite Power so long as man’s purposes have the sanction of the Divine Intelligence. The most valuable education and perhaps the only education of real value, is that which develops a man’s soul to the point of being able to perceive truth. The great men and women of history have not been those whose minds have been most crammed with booklore. The mightiest works are done by those who know without being taught.
The power which is manifested within your own bodies is not different from the power displayed in the movement of the planets; it is all One. Your vital energy is one with the vital energy of the universe. Applying this power within you to the solutions of your own problems and using it to overcome personal difficulties requires you to create the right conditions and with that you can direct it outside of your body.

Examine therefore, your motives and hopes and see if they are such that you can call with perfect assurance, for the help of Source. And once your desire are a match with the desire of your Higher Self (i.e pure desire feels a lot like love and positive emotion which indicates the alignment of your desire with Source), you may then command the power and directed to your intention. You must first know what you are going to try to do. You are not asking God, in a general way, to do something for you using God’s methods. You are going to select your own method and apply the All-Power to the work, consciously and purposefully. Be sure you are going to do the “right” thing before you try to turn on the Power. Get knowledge first, for through knowledge you will get the second essential, which is Faith. You cannot use the power without Faith.
"You cannot create something that you do not believe in."
Extracted from The Wisdom of Wallace D. Wattles and added unto by me.
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