are we exactly here for then?” those were the words that came out of my friend's mouth during our bus ride to work. “Like really, if God knows everything that I
am thinking and going to think, then what’s the point of this? Why do you
think we are here?”... Silenced by the question for a moment, I suddenly felt
an answer formulating inside me and the answer was, “Well, yeah sure, that which
you call God knows all things, but the purpose of life is nothing more than for
us to live out what God knows. Everything is already known, so we are here to
live and experience the knowing of that which is known.” Silence came upon us
for a moment to process the craziness that had just come out of my mouth. He then
further asked, “So where do you think we go when we die, where does heaven and
hell really fit in?” I then laid out my answer in this manner: “the purpose of
life is to experience the diverse unity of all things. And that separation is an
illusion that is placed before us to lead to the truth of oneness.” He then replied and said, “No, I don’t think
so. I think we are here to separate the good from the evil. And the good will
have their own place and the bad will have their own. The purpose of life is to
separate.” Which reminded me of some line in the bible about sheep and goats ...
"When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory.
32. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.33. And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. 34. Then the King will say to those on His right hand, 'Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:...” blah blah blah.. (lol i sounded like a goat right there!!)
...I then reflected the truth of relativity that, the
moment you completely separate the good from bad then the good ceases to be
good for there is nothing for it to be good from. Once up disappears so does
down. So once the good are grouped together by themselves, then the good are no
longer good, but just are. The same it
is with the bad, they no longer are bad, but just are... Everything, ultimately,
is just is. In God’s eyes all is one.
Have you ever wondered why whenever you push against
anything automatically there’s that gut feeling of discomfort or that it just
feels hard or tough than when you seek to embrace something? That is because
that which is God, embraces all things. All life experiences and calls them
good because they are the essence of Him/Her. Where there is a “pushing against”
or separation there is loss of power meaning invariably loss of God, for God is
power and Power is life, and so anything that pushes against unity, which is power,
will always result in destruction. Nations (parties) have risen through unity, and fallen
with separation.
Separation vs Unity
Diversity vs Conformity
Heaven vs Hell
In love unity is born, and diversity is embraced as a heavenly state. Where as through fear, separation tramples upon diversity and seeks for conformity leading to destruction.
One is always based in fear the other in love, and each gives rise to difference outcomes.
That which we call God is for unity not separation.
For in separation there’s rise of destruction, and destruction is often brought
by man in his attempt to separate that which is inseparable. In separation lies
destruction in unity lays power. That is why when more are gathered in unison
for a specific cause they are powerful, regardless of the motive. Unity breed
power, yet man is caught in the constant battle of uniting against separation
which becomes the back and forth dance he plays with himself. That which is God
will not – cannot – separate that which we call good from that which we call
bad for the simple reason that God knows all things and is in all things, not
some. A unifying energy between all Spirits – all life form.

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