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THE MIND! ~ By Humphrey Kubheka

"The mind is given unto you, you are not given unto the mind!" 

Someone deep once said. But I believe for most of us its the other way around. We've kind of let our mind go on producing, script writing and directing all kind of horrific genres playing and are free to be shocked about at any given time in between our ears. There's the "Spiritual failure" program, a "Romantic Traumedy", the "family Dysfunction" program, the "Financial and bad credit breakdown" news at 1a.m. (for most insomniacs). Most of these productions (brilliantly traumatising I might add) are a very creative seed of incidences that we have encountered and passively replay in our mind for shock value and kept in our psyche as defining moments in who we turned out to be and what we ought to expect out of our lives as we will know it. I was once in a short lived romantic encounter with someone I considered a catch. I felt lucky to have found that person based on the superficial but important facts that they were good on the eye and in the sack. I was excited that they proposed a serious relationship and I gladly concurred with them, being the helpless romantic and an impressionable believer in all that is Divinely ordained. When all was still going well (according to me, that is) a few weeks later, my new found love and partner decided to pull the rug right under my feet and stopped calling. I knew they were pulling out of our relationship. I was disappointed and I went on an insidious spiritual and emotional low.

As expected, I mourned the untimely death of the relationship. But in my moaning it, I also developed a very negative habit of allowing my mind to nitpick on what went on in the relationship, especially my role and hand in its demise. Forgetting the fact that I was giving of my time, affection and whatever measly resources I had at my disposal at the time. I began to passively allow my mind to say unflattering thins to me. Most of the times these statements come to you as Questions designed to leave you with a low estimation of Self. They are self flagellating, rhetorical and down right rude if you ask me. And these questions that develops into statements come at a time and point where you find yourself frantically trying to make sense of whatever incident and situation you have encountered. Frantic being the operative word. You ask yourself: Why is this happening to me? why is this happening to me again? Will I Ever get it right? And it is in these questions that one begins a downward internal journey to a bottomless pit of darkness called Sadness! For the most part Sadness is sustained in the mind.

The mind is such a Powerful and a Potent tool (whether one chooses to use it conscioously or not)! A tool that dictates the emotional condition of an individual. And so, is the under-estimated Power and subliminal Potency of your mind building you up or breaking you down? Is your mind cultivating thoughts and statement that are filled with power and Peace or thoughts and statements that are leaving you in pieces? Are you consciously shaping your impressionable mind to reflect back to you the bunch of great news about your authentic being (pure goodness) or are you passively allowing it to pick up trash from past events and situations that were negative to produce in your skull a Trash flick?

The mind can be one of two things in an individuals life. A battle field or a victory field. I've come to a place were I proceed with my life in Peace and peace of mind. I've come to a place were my mind would spontaneously say Affirming things to me. My very own mind saying very nice and flattering things to me. Things that are good and 
true about me. Deep down we all know we did and are doing our best at any given moment and in any given situation. Deep down most of us had and is having a good intention with our Spiritual lives, family lives, romantic lives, financial and social lives. It is from that Depth that one can start to build a healthy mind, a Peace full mind, a Happy mind and a positively Creative mind. Go deep into the base of your mind not the base of your current circumstance. That's were your spirit is, that's were your intentions lie. That's were your goodness and truth is and start defining yourself according to what you will find in there

I personally found that I Am a great lover and I kept on reflecting on that. I began to shape my mind from the point of my spirit and eventually I reaped the rewards of a mind that is Good to me. A mind that is reflecting back to me the good things I've always known deep down about myself! The only difference now is that those things are not a vague voice buried under a clutter of trash I've been picking up along the way in circumstances and situations that were bad and that I was defining myself with.
Take conscious control of your mind and steer it into the direction of your spirit. Yes, at first it will back chat you when you try to take back control and restore discipline and order in it, so brace yourself for some nasty comeback line like "Since when? Yeah right and is that so?" when you begin to foster positive and true statements about yourself in your mind. But never the less, The mind is given unto you, not the other way around!

Wherever we are in our lives, we have the ability and power to shape our minds so that the mind reflect back to us All that we need to live at a point and place of true Joy, real Peace and correct Perspective about our real Self

 ~By Humphery Kubheka


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