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Pushing Against


That's what we here from our peers and society at large. Pushing against something is what we are addicted to in this nation of humans . We love pushing against things. We push against the perceived bad that we think is threatening our well being. And if there is well being, or goodness, we insist on make it last as long as we possibly can, which is the same as pushing against the goodness from ending. We push against the bad that we suppose is pending just behind the good, no wonder good moments elude us most often and the bad seem to be our usual companions.. Pushing against, that's really something we've grown accustomed to.

In this human society we are so well taught to push against things. If you have feelings for a (wo)man and you're a (wo)man, you must push against it. for it is not "natural"..If you still love your ex, even if s/he broke your heart, you must not feel it, push against it, and never admit it! We say, "embrace all things and accept them as the tapestry of the divine" and we sound like lunatics..

All of life is for your embrace not you resistance. Not just those things you've identified as your preferences, but also those which are vivid that they aren't what you prefer. For so long we have been taught to push push push, but the only thing that pushing seems to do is emphasise what you're pushing against. If you want to be a master of life and of yourself, you must practise the art of embrace of allowing.. If you want something allow it to be, if you don't want something allow it to be.. Don't resist. What you resist persists.. Ask any gay (wo)man whose been denying their feelings for other (wo)man or anyone whose been fighting off feelings for an ex for so long, it is a battle, and once they embraced of who s/he is and what s/he feels, all the tension and stress is released and peace and goodness comes upon him/her..

Pushing against might be normal but it is not natural. Pretending to be straight or to like the opposite sex might be normal but not natural.. Fighting off the bad might be normal but not natural.. For nature flows, and being natural is allowing that flow to just flow unrestricted. Sad Moment after Happy moment. Broke moment after financially stable moment. Clear moment after confused moment. All is a divine tapestry and an unfolding of your divinity.
For your goodness to reign supreme you need not fight the badness you perceive, you need only to allow the flow to be as it is, thus letting the good to flow in hindered. You are the flow. Just be!!


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