Here's a question: when you go to your
favourite restaurant outlet, and you look at something you'd like to eat, as
you're sifting through the menu, you see things that both interest you and
others which just make you lose your appetite. Do you then call the manager or
chef and order that they remove from the menu those things you don't find
tasteful to you, or do you just simply order what you want and get on with
enjoying your meal?
Then why can't you apply the same principle
when dealing with things of a larger scale. Why is there are need to fight
against those things that we deem wrong, or distasteful? Granted that there are
things in this world that you like to see and things that you don't like to
see, but instead of focusing upon the things that you prefer and perpetuate
those many of you turn around and look at those things that you don't like and
try to force them out. And in doing so then your life just gets focused and
filled with those things that you do not want.
"What you focus on grows."
If you want peace in the world you can
never achieve it through violence or wars. If you want health and prosperity,
you can never achieve it by giving your attention to disease and poverty. We
live in a universe of attraction, whether you accept that fact or not. And you
attract what you focus on..
So if you want your life or your world to
be filled the things that you want more of, then look at the things you prefer,
and amplify those. Don't order that the menu be shuffled because you noticed
the things you wouldn't like to eat. Select your meal and go on to enjoy it.
What others select has nothing to do with your appetite and can't get into your
dish unless you put it there.
As Abraham said in their "Law of
Attraction" and "Ask and it is given" books, that, the universe
is like a big giant kitchen with all the ingredients and varieties of menu in
which you are spoiled for choose to choose from those things you like. You
don't need to put vinegar in you pie if it you don't want it in your pie. And
you don't need to ban it from the kitchen for you are the chef and you only use
the ingredient or select the menu you'd like to have in your meal.
You are not here to try to get the world to
conform to those things that you deem right.
"You are not here to try to get the
world to be as you want it to be. You are here to create the world around you
that you choose, while you allow the world as others choose it to be to exist
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