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Here's something I would like you to think about:

It is my own assumption or theory that actually there are three types of sciences that have to do with the contents of our being. We are three part beings consisting of mind body and spirit. Our world is divided into three parts, here, there and there space in between.

The first form of science has to do with our physical plane and we've cleverly called it "Physical Science". This ranges from medicinal to astronomy. Whether breaking up an atom or repairing nerve connections in the human system, they all have to do with the physicality of our being.

The second has to do with the science of the mind, and is best known as psychology. It has to with the mental state of our being. Which focuses on thoughts, or attitude.

And the last one and probably the most ignored, the science of the heart or spirit, this is known as metaphysics, or Holistic science. This is what “true” physicists normally refer to as "pseudo science". Pseudo,  because it doesn't fall in with or use parameters of physical science. Metaphysics has to do with the notion that thoughts and emotions have spiritual powers which can affect the physical content of things. It blends science with creation, and makes it spiritual or holistic, but because this cannot be measured with physical and latest science instruments that physicists have come up with thus far, it’s regarded as unrealistic or part of mysticism. e.g. The Law of Attraction. As Bob Dylan say in his song The time are changing:

"Don't criticise what you can't understand".

We continue to master the art of understanding our physical world, and also are making some progress in understanding our mental world. However, when it comes to understand the deepest part of our being we haven't come close to even scraping the surface of remembering the basis of our spiritual world simply because we cannot measure and quantify it. Yet that's the first truth of it; it cannot be measured or quantified for it is eternal, unbounded, infinite...

As I said in the beginning that, we are three part beings consisting of mind, body and spirit. Our world is divided into three parts, here, there and there space in between. Usually it is describing the space in between that coming tricky, and where wisdom or knowledge of this space in between lies beyond what we have known, yet continues to expand what we know, for it is an integral part for the continuation of our reality.. This knowledge and space in between, lies in each of us, and it accessed once the mind is quiet and the body is still. That's where our dreams reside. And no one can say your dreams aren't real, not even scientist can deny the realness of their dreams, although they can choose to ignore it.


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