Did you know that everything is just a suggestion?
Yeah sure, something can be presented as facts, but what facts are actually are, is condensed and concentrated suggestions. Consistent suggestions that then prove to appear as concrete truth even to a mind that is laying hold of them for the first time. Facts are concentrated ideas about something that eventually they become hard to simply dissect them to their core origins of a suggestion.
Everything is a suggestion up until the mind perceiving or observing them starts accepting them as truth, meaning up until it starts to concentrate its powers of focus to moulding that suggestion in such a way that it becomes a permanent thought known as a fact. This is really an interesting thought to ponder about, but it would be best to put it into test and observe whether or not what is being suggested here is true or not? After all we are all scientists, maybe not in the conventional word itself; we are all perceivers of things around us.
We live in a space filled with suggestions, stimulation of thought. Everything around us is a suggestion, from what we wear, to what we believe. We are all being influence by thoughts emanating from the others which are circulating all around us. To the degree that our thoughts are of strong intensity, to that degree we will experience them as our “truth” or fact. To the degree that the outside influence is of strong intensity, to that degree we will experience them as facts. You might say, “how can that be so? How can other people’s thoughts influence me?” well to best make this point I will cite wisdom from Napoleon Hill’s book 16 Laws Of Success, and he says:
“I have noticed a good many phenomena of mind disturbances that I have never been able to explain. For instance, there is the inspiration or the discouragement that a speaker feels in addressing an audience. I have experienced this many times in my life and have never been able to define exactly the physical causes of it… the hypothesis that mind can communicate directly with mind rests on the theory that thought or vital force is a form of electrical disturbance, that it can be taken up by induction and transmitted to a distance either through a wire or simply through the all-pervading ether, as in the case of wireless telegraph waves.”
This maybe a bit too scientific for some people but as i said that we are all scientists to some degree. This also pulls back to a “suggestion” that I proposed that we live in a radioactive universe meaning, everything is a vibration. That we are vibrations ourselves and that, whatever vibration we lay hold of we become it through the phenomenon known as suggestion. As Hill researched and observed that “every brain is a both a broadcaster and receiving station of vibration of thought.” That’s why you feel uneasy when surrounded by people whose thoughts don’t blend well with you because you each are receiving and broadcasting a variety of vibrations, suggestions.
Thomas Paine was one of the great minds of the American Revolutionary Period. In speaking of the source of his great storehouse of knowledge, Paine thus described it:
"Any person, who has made observations on the state of progress of the human mind, by observing his own, cannot but have observed that there are two distinct classes of what are called Thoughts: those that we produce in ourselves by reflection and the act of thinking, and those that bolt into the mind of their own accord. I have always made it a rule to treat these voluntary visitors with civility, taking care to examine, as well as I was able, if they were worth entertaining; and it is from them I have acquired almost all the knowledge that I have. As to the learning that any person gains from school education, it serves only like a small capital, to put him in the way of beginning learning for himself afterwards. Every person of learning is finally his own teacher, the reason for which is, that principles cannot be impressed upon the memory; their place of mental residence is the understanding, and they are never so lasting as when they begin by conception."
The driving force behind all this is the power of the mind, and the understanding of this power is the beginning of the understanding of why the world is as it is and how it all comes from suggestion. Even with all this being said you may still be tempted to say, “Yeah well, the world was not a suggestion. We found it being as it is - solid.” In which I would then reply and say that, yet before your own individual consciousness could perceive there must have been (there is) a consciousness that had to suggest the idea of a solid ball that can harbour life and fly in space. The study of the universe points to this, and that anything imagined or suggested is then made to be, depending of course upon the intensity of the suggestion. I am a student of life and nature and I read the only one true bible; Natures Bible. As Napoleon Hills wrote in his book that,

“Most of the useful knowledge to which the human race has become heir has been preserved and accurately recorded in Nature's Bible. By turning back the pages of this unalterable Bible man has read the story of; the terrific struggle through and out of which the present civilization has grown. The pages of this Bible are made up of the physical elements of which this earth and the other planets consist, and of the ether which fills all space. By turning back the pages written on stone and covered near the surface of this earth on which he lives, man has uncovered the bones, skeletons, footprints and other unmistakable evidence of the history of animal life on this earth, planted there for his enlightenment and guidance by the hand of Mother Nature throughout unbelievable periods of time. The evidence is plain and unmistakable. The great stone pages of Nature's Bible found on this earth and the endless pages of that Bible represented by the ether wherein all past human thought has been recorded, constitute an authentic source of communication between the Creator and man. This Bible was begun before man had reached the thinking stage; indeed, before man had reached the amoeba (one-cell animal) stage of development. This Bible is above and beyond the power of man to alter. Moreover, it tells its story not in the ancient dead languages or hieroglyphics of half savage races, but in universal language which all who have eyes may read. Nature's Bible, from which we have derived all the knowledge that is worth knowing, is one that no man may alter or in any manner tamper with.”
Everything is a suggestion, even this very post. Concentrated thoughts or suggestions give rise to concrete facts. The task that is always laid before an inquisitive mind is to ask “how is that possible?” And once that question is sparked, suddenly the answer is revealed. “When the student is ready the teacher will appear”, said the Buddha.
Yeah sure, something can be presented as facts, but what facts are actually are, is condensed and concentrated suggestions. Consistent suggestions that then prove to appear as concrete truth even to a mind that is laying hold of them for the first time. Facts are concentrated ideas about something that eventually they become hard to simply dissect them to their core origins of a suggestion.
Everything is a suggestion up until the mind perceiving or observing them starts accepting them as truth, meaning up until it starts to concentrate its powers of focus to moulding that suggestion in such a way that it becomes a permanent thought known as a fact. This is really an interesting thought to ponder about, but it would be best to put it into test and observe whether or not what is being suggested here is true or not? After all we are all scientists, maybe not in the conventional word itself; we are all perceivers of things around us.
We live in a space filled with suggestions, stimulation of thought. Everything around us is a suggestion, from what we wear, to what we believe. We are all being influence by thoughts emanating from the others which are circulating all around us. To the degree that our thoughts are of strong intensity, to that degree we will experience them as our “truth” or fact. To the degree that the outside influence is of strong intensity, to that degree we will experience them as facts. You might say, “how can that be so? How can other people’s thoughts influence me?” well to best make this point I will cite wisdom from Napoleon Hill’s book 16 Laws Of Success, and he says:
“I have noticed a good many phenomena of mind disturbances that I have never been able to explain. For instance, there is the inspiration or the discouragement that a speaker feels in addressing an audience. I have experienced this many times in my life and have never been able to define exactly the physical causes of it… the hypothesis that mind can communicate directly with mind rests on the theory that thought or vital force is a form of electrical disturbance, that it can be taken up by induction and transmitted to a distance either through a wire or simply through the all-pervading ether, as in the case of wireless telegraph waves.”
This maybe a bit too scientific for some people but as i said that we are all scientists to some degree. This also pulls back to a “suggestion” that I proposed that we live in a radioactive universe meaning, everything is a vibration. That we are vibrations ourselves and that, whatever vibration we lay hold of we become it through the phenomenon known as suggestion. As Hill researched and observed that “every brain is a both a broadcaster and receiving station of vibration of thought.” That’s why you feel uneasy when surrounded by people whose thoughts don’t blend well with you because you each are receiving and broadcasting a variety of vibrations, suggestions.
Thomas Paine was one of the great minds of the American Revolutionary Period. In speaking of the source of his great storehouse of knowledge, Paine thus described it:
"Any person, who has made observations on the state of progress of the human mind, by observing his own, cannot but have observed that there are two distinct classes of what are called Thoughts: those that we produce in ourselves by reflection and the act of thinking, and those that bolt into the mind of their own accord. I have always made it a rule to treat these voluntary visitors with civility, taking care to examine, as well as I was able, if they were worth entertaining; and it is from them I have acquired almost all the knowledge that I have. As to the learning that any person gains from school education, it serves only like a small capital, to put him in the way of beginning learning for himself afterwards. Every person of learning is finally his own teacher, the reason for which is, that principles cannot be impressed upon the memory; their place of mental residence is the understanding, and they are never so lasting as when they begin by conception."
The driving force behind all this is the power of the mind, and the understanding of this power is the beginning of the understanding of why the world is as it is and how it all comes from suggestion. Even with all this being said you may still be tempted to say, “Yeah well, the world was not a suggestion. We found it being as it is - solid.” In which I would then reply and say that, yet before your own individual consciousness could perceive there must have been (there is) a consciousness that had to suggest the idea of a solid ball that can harbour life and fly in space. The study of the universe points to this, and that anything imagined or suggested is then made to be, depending of course upon the intensity of the suggestion. I am a student of life and nature and I read the only one true bible; Natures Bible. As Napoleon Hills wrote in his book that,

“Most of the useful knowledge to which the human race has become heir has been preserved and accurately recorded in Nature's Bible. By turning back the pages of this unalterable Bible man has read the story of; the terrific struggle through and out of which the present civilization has grown. The pages of this Bible are made up of the physical elements of which this earth and the other planets consist, and of the ether which fills all space. By turning back the pages written on stone and covered near the surface of this earth on which he lives, man has uncovered the bones, skeletons, footprints and other unmistakable evidence of the history of animal life on this earth, planted there for his enlightenment and guidance by the hand of Mother Nature throughout unbelievable periods of time. The evidence is plain and unmistakable. The great stone pages of Nature's Bible found on this earth and the endless pages of that Bible represented by the ether wherein all past human thought has been recorded, constitute an authentic source of communication between the Creator and man. This Bible was begun before man had reached the thinking stage; indeed, before man had reached the amoeba (one-cell animal) stage of development. This Bible is above and beyond the power of man to alter. Moreover, it tells its story not in the ancient dead languages or hieroglyphics of half savage races, but in universal language which all who have eyes may read. Nature's Bible, from which we have derived all the knowledge that is worth knowing, is one that no man may alter or in any manner tamper with.”
Everything is a suggestion, even this very post. Concentrated thoughts or suggestions give rise to concrete facts. The task that is always laid before an inquisitive mind is to ask “how is that possible?” And once that question is sparked, suddenly the answer is revealed. “When the student is ready the teacher will appear”, said the Buddha.
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