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Did you know that everything has its own radio frequency? Like everything around you, and the entire universe emits a frequency.. That's why things that may look the same are actually not the same. Do you know that the universe responds to the vibrational frequency of things. And also did you know that when we speak of "like attracts like", we are speaking in terms of vibrational frequency.. That's why you will find happy people with happy people. Sad, grumpy, cynical people with their kind. A vibration of fear or love can easily determine what outcome will be experienced when a robber stops by at a corner. Fear of being robbed is what attracts robbery, because the vibrations match up. The robber wants someone whose fearful that he can rob, and your fearfulness of being robbed completes the equation of making the robbery experience possible. The love of knowing, or awareness that you are guided and protected is what makes one, at most times, an unlikely candidate for any experience that may be fear based, such as a robbery or sickness or misfortune. This might be a strange way to look at life but 99% of everything that you intepret as physical is actually vibration.

It doesn't matter how it looks on the outside, its what it feels like on this inside. That's why happy people are not those who look the part but feel the part. Even if you don't look happy or successful, once you feel happy or successful you immediately transform you demeanuor which automatically transform your outside appareance. This should explain why anorexic people feel fat even if they are skeleton skinny. Its the vibrational patterning they've conjured. Its their thinking. Your thoughts affect your vibration.

To make the point of you being mostly a Vibrational being here's an exercise. Imagine yourself walking into a cold dark room. Immediately as you walk in, you fill up the whole space with your being, and most of your being is not even physical. Its vibration. As you walk into the room, you fill up the room with your heat which eminates from you, that's how big you are. It even goes further, you feel the room with your thoughts and your attitude, which you cannot see with your eyes or hear with your ears, but sense it. Why do you suppose you can sense when someone is stressed or angry or grumpy even if they try so hard to put up a mask. It is because everything is vibration.

You can easily see this when you look at a picture or listen to a song, or even read a message. Everything has an energetic imprint. That's why you can dance into a beautiful song that you may not understand the lyrics of it because its sang in a language you can't speak, but you can definitely feel the e-motion (energy in motion) of it. That's why sad songs make you sad, because they were created under the frequency of sadness, the same with paintings, writings, poems.. All of these have at their core a vibration.

Therefore to know the truth of something don't look at what it looks like, instead look at how it feels. Because "Feeling" is your intepretation of vibrations. For you to control your life, you've got to control your vibration. And for you to control you vibration you have to control your thoughts. This may not be easy at first but once you get the hang of it, of deliberately selecting your vibrations, it will be second nature to you. And you'll be amazed of how better you ge at seeing things beyond what they appear to be


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