Remember how the new black came in not so long ago and how every fashioniaster suddenly had to have it in their wardrobe collection? This black was often shunned very much and was strongly avoided by any male of any culture. It was a black that was associated as being feminine and has been accepted as such for many generations. And then suddenly what happened? Every male who is an avid lover of fashion, and social approval, started having this black. No longer was it now a black that had to be avoided at all cost out of fear of being perceived as less masculine but a definite "MUST HAVE!".
I bet you know what I am talking about; how pink suddenly became the in thing and the new black in a male world.
There was/is this strong belief, mental association of pink being for women that even females played a part in making this a really pungent belief in society. Who knows, maybe psychologically that is how we are wired, where it is simply DNA restructuring through the process of evolution that we have become a species where, females invariably prefer pink over blue. It is almost a one hundred percent safe bet that any female who wants, yearns, to be recognised as feminine will impulsively suggest in buying or wearing anything pink with them, whether it’s a lipstick, nails, hair pin, hand bag or even underwear. It’s a behaviour that is either instilled by blind acceptance of a social belief or possible by product of evolution. Anyways before I get carried away and make this article about psychoanalysis of the evolutionary process of the love and hate of the colour pink, it is an interesting thing to ponder over; about how and possibly why humanity/society alters its beliefs about itself and how it comes in assuming a new one. The question of who decides what’s appropriate and what is not. What is true and what is not; what is wrong and what is right.
Often people will say, "No this is wrong. Or now this i right because everyone knows it so." Sometimes I don't know whether it through lack of awareness or just pure laziness to think differently. I would like to begin this minor analysis of humanity with the words by William Shakespeare who said, “Nothing is good or bad unless thinking makes it so.” Many of the things that we have learnt to accept or reject about our world were taught to us by those who came before us. And there is very good chance that they also learnt to accept and reject by teachings of those who came before them. This is both good and bad, for there are certain truths or wisdom that if ignored will lead to self-destruction, but others lead to self-imposed inhibitions due to unjustified stereotypes like, wearing pink makes you feminine, or crying is not manly or that women are less powerful o intelligent. And these stereotypes lead to self imposed prejudices, where a woman or man will refrain from doing something even though she has the potential to do. Which even leads to self hate, where a gay child hates him or herself because she doesn't feel the way she is "supposed" to feel about the opposite sex.
Many of us conduct our lives with principles, values and philosophies that we don’t know why they are so, let alone about who came up with them. We simply accept them as they are because" it is how it has always been" and adjusted ourselves accordingly as part of our integration to society. So we learned to merely accept things as the world presented them and learned to not bump up against these societal walls of confinement and behavior restrictions. Girls act this way, boys act that way. Girls love pink, boys love blue. We have invariably inherited the disease of conveniently/easily accepting whatever the world presents to us and labels as truth that we've forfeited the passion to wonder and ask why, because we have been told to value acceptance over discernment or finding your own way.
Please take a moment to study this picture before continuing:
Yeah hey, the effects of taking systems we don't even comprehend why they are so. In one of the books I read written by William A. Cohen entitled A class with Peter Drucker, the was a phrase that has stuck with me whenever i hear someone arrogantly exclaim "everyone know it!" and the phrase was, "what everybody knows is frequently wrong." And in the same book, there was a chapter entitled "If you keep doing what worked in the past you are going to fail." Although it a book about management and business, its philosophy intertwines with what I am bringing to you focus here.
If you do something because everybody is doing it, you are not acting out of your own will, let alone common sense. Just like hating on something because your parents, grandparents and great grandparents society hated it. If you believe in something because everybody believes it then you are destined for the same hell that society has created for itself. The world changes its ideas about itself constantly that, relying upon the world to define you will render you at its mercy, a servant of a world that just won’t make up its mind about itself. Holding on to religions and traditions or any socially imposed prejudice to seek patronage and acceptance from a world that doesn’t know what it will be next is putting yourself in constant confusion and uncertainty for the world my just wake up one day and decide to change its mind about you as it did with pink. People fight and hate for values and prejudices that they got from their less knowledgeable ancestors for the sake of upholding the legacy. Of hating on something they didn't have the capacity to understand, like why people have different skin colours, or why are people gay.
“What your society consider ‘right’ just few decades ago, you consider ‘wrong’ today. What you consider ‘wrong’ in the not-to-distant past, you now call "right ". Who can tell what its what?"... Changing your ideas of what is "right" and 'wrong' isnt the problem. You have to change those ideas, or you would never grow. Changing is the product of evolution. The problem is not that you have changed or that your values have changed. The problem is that so many of you insist on thinking that the values you now have are the right and perfect ones, and that everyone else should adhere to them. Some of you have become self-justified and self-righteous.

Stick to your beliefs if that serves you. Hold tight. Dont not waiver. For your ideas about 'right' and 'wrong' are your definition of Who You Are. Yet do not require that others define themselves according to your terms. And do not stay so 'stuck' in your present beliefs that you halt the process of evolution itself.
Actually you could not do that if you wanted to, for life goes on, with you or without you. Nothing stays the same, nor can anything remain unchanged. to be unchanged is to not move. And to not move is to die. All of life is in motion. Everything moves... Remaining the same or seeking to, moves against the laws of life. This is foolish, because in this struggle, life will always win." ~ Conversations With God Book 3
The world is forever changing its opinions about itself and if you believe in something because the world believes it, then how can you say you are acting out of your own will? How can you label yourself as free if the world has made all the conclusions for you about you. This is what the world is doing and has got you to believe this is freedom and salvation. This is what religion has done, and with the majority of the worlds population being religious its is held captive to a hell created by few men. A world that once believed strongly that Pink is the colour for women but now regards it as the new black for man, who know what it will be in the next moment, and who will you be in its unstable decisions? You have to be Free Minded and decide for yourself.
I bet you know what I am talking about; how pink suddenly became the in thing and the new black in a male world.
There was/is this strong belief, mental association of pink being for women that even females played a part in making this a really pungent belief in society. Who knows, maybe psychologically that is how we are wired, where it is simply DNA restructuring through the process of evolution that we have become a species where, females invariably prefer pink over blue. It is almost a one hundred percent safe bet that any female who wants, yearns, to be recognised as feminine will impulsively suggest in buying or wearing anything pink with them, whether it’s a lipstick, nails, hair pin, hand bag or even underwear. It’s a behaviour that is either instilled by blind acceptance of a social belief or possible by product of evolution. Anyways before I get carried away and make this article about psychoanalysis of the evolutionary process of the love and hate of the colour pink, it is an interesting thing to ponder over; about how and possibly why humanity/society alters its beliefs about itself and how it comes in assuming a new one. The question of who decides what’s appropriate and what is not. What is true and what is not; what is wrong and what is right.
Often people will say, "No this is wrong. Or now this i right because everyone knows it so." Sometimes I don't know whether it through lack of awareness or just pure laziness to think differently. I would like to begin this minor analysis of humanity with the words by William Shakespeare who said, “Nothing is good or bad unless thinking makes it so.” Many of the things that we have learnt to accept or reject about our world were taught to us by those who came before us. And there is very good chance that they also learnt to accept and reject by teachings of those who came before them. This is both good and bad, for there are certain truths or wisdom that if ignored will lead to self-destruction, but others lead to self-imposed inhibitions due to unjustified stereotypes like, wearing pink makes you feminine, or crying is not manly or that women are less powerful o intelligent. And these stereotypes lead to self imposed prejudices, where a woman or man will refrain from doing something even though she has the potential to do. Which even leads to self hate, where a gay child hates him or herself because she doesn't feel the way she is "supposed" to feel about the opposite sex.
Many of us conduct our lives with principles, values and philosophies that we don’t know why they are so, let alone about who came up with them. We simply accept them as they are because" it is how it has always been" and adjusted ourselves accordingly as part of our integration to society. So we learned to merely accept things as the world presented them and learned to not bump up against these societal walls of confinement and behavior restrictions. Girls act this way, boys act that way. Girls love pink, boys love blue. We have invariably inherited the disease of conveniently/easily accepting whatever the world presents to us and labels as truth that we've forfeited the passion to wonder and ask why, because we have been told to value acceptance over discernment or finding your own way.
Please take a moment to study this picture before continuing:
Yeah hey, the effects of taking systems we don't even comprehend why they are so. In one of the books I read written by William A. Cohen entitled A class with Peter Drucker, the was a phrase that has stuck with me whenever i hear someone arrogantly exclaim "everyone know it!" and the phrase was, "what everybody knows is frequently wrong." And in the same book, there was a chapter entitled "If you keep doing what worked in the past you are going to fail." Although it a book about management and business, its philosophy intertwines with what I am bringing to you focus here.
If you do something because everybody is doing it, you are not acting out of your own will, let alone common sense. Just like hating on something because your parents, grandparents and great grandparents society hated it. If you believe in something because everybody believes it then you are destined for the same hell that society has created for itself. The world changes its ideas about itself constantly that, relying upon the world to define you will render you at its mercy, a servant of a world that just won’t make up its mind about itself. Holding on to religions and traditions or any socially imposed prejudice to seek patronage and acceptance from a world that doesn’t know what it will be next is putting yourself in constant confusion and uncertainty for the world my just wake up one day and decide to change its mind about you as it did with pink. People fight and hate for values and prejudices that they got from their less knowledgeable ancestors for the sake of upholding the legacy. Of hating on something they didn't have the capacity to understand, like why people have different skin colours, or why are people gay.
“What your society consider ‘right’ just few decades ago, you consider ‘wrong’ today. What you consider ‘wrong’ in the not-to-distant past, you now call "right ". Who can tell what its what?"... Changing your ideas of what is "right" and 'wrong' isnt the problem. You have to change those ideas, or you would never grow. Changing is the product of evolution. The problem is not that you have changed or that your values have changed. The problem is that so many of you insist on thinking that the values you now have are the right and perfect ones, and that everyone else should adhere to them. Some of you have become self-justified and self-righteous.

Stick to your beliefs if that serves you. Hold tight. Dont not waiver. For your ideas about 'right' and 'wrong' are your definition of Who You Are. Yet do not require that others define themselves according to your terms. And do not stay so 'stuck' in your present beliefs that you halt the process of evolution itself.
Actually you could not do that if you wanted to, for life goes on, with you or without you. Nothing stays the same, nor can anything remain unchanged. to be unchanged is to not move. And to not move is to die. All of life is in motion. Everything moves... Remaining the same or seeking to, moves against the laws of life. This is foolish, because in this struggle, life will always win." ~ Conversations With God Book 3
The world is forever changing its opinions about itself and if you believe in something because the world believes it, then how can you say you are acting out of your own will? How can you label yourself as free if the world has made all the conclusions for you about you. This is what the world is doing and has got you to believe this is freedom and salvation. This is what religion has done, and with the majority of the worlds population being religious its is held captive to a hell created by few men. A world that once believed strongly that Pink is the colour for women but now regards it as the new black for man, who know what it will be in the next moment, and who will you be in its unstable decisions? You have to be Free Minded and decide for yourself.
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