The powers of the mind are the powers of the man. ~ Scott Buchanan
Once in a talk Buchanan delivered at Saint John’s College he asked, “How are you doing? Do you believe in and trust your intellect, that innate power that never sleeps? You've lived a lot; you've fallen into the hands of scholars, and into the grooves of practice. You've suffered the winds of doctrine and have gotten lost in the jungle of ideologies. A lot of you have been stormed by scientific miracle. In all these learnings and practices, have you listened to that small spontaneous voice within that asks continually ‘if these things are true?’ Have you allowed this voice to speak louder and remind you that ‘you do not know! That you know you do not know. That you know what you do not know.’
Do you believe that knowledge is possible, that truth is attainable and that it is always your business to seek it, although evidence is overwhelmingly against it. Have you in the course of your life become your own teacher? Have you yet recognised that you are and always have been your own teacher? Liberal education has as its end, The Free Mind; and The Free Mind must be its own teacher. Intellectual freedom begins when one says with Socrates that he knows nothing, and goes on to add ‘I know what it is that I don’t know’.”
The powers of the mind are the powers of the man. Recent studies seem to indicate that the powers of the mind are infinite, rich, fertile land, awaiting development.
Taken from Earl Nightingale's audio "Make out Your want List"
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