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What kind of world do you want to live in?

What kind of world do you want to live in? Think about that question for a good full minute.... okay  15 seconds. Really, what kind of world do you want to live in? I'm certain that you have an idea or ideas of what you would prefer it to be like. Maybe you would like a world where love reigns supreme? What about a world with no fear? Or could it be a world where you're loved unconditionally and abundantly and everyone is aware of how connected to each other they really are. What is it?
Think about this question because it is really important. "What kind of a world would I like to live in!?" For your answer determines what shape and state the world will assume. You may not believe this. Or like many people, you may not think you have such a power or influence.
Do you know people who, no matter how the world may look to the many,  seem to live in their own make up and thus had influence the mass into their world. Do you know people who, no matter how bad things may have been done unto them, they never feel anger and are angelic in their conduct, filled with love, and kindness, and because of that they transform the world that was cruel to them into the world that they live in and where people feel blessed every time they are in those people's presence?

What kind of a world would you like to live in? Think about this question for it is important. It determines which direction the world will take next.
Do you have an idea or ideas on how you'd like the world to be? Good. Now the only thing that is needed for it to be that way is for you to start acting from that idea. Begin today to live in your vision of how you'd like the world to be and watch what happens.
Act from the greatest and grandest idea you have about the world, about yourself. 

Oh and one last question, how are you in this new world you'd like to live in. Are you the same person as you are now? or Are more loving? More generous? More forgiving? More accepting? Take care on how you describe yourself in this new world, for the world will follow the direction and vision you have about yourself.
"Your thought is creative and your word is productive. And your thoughts and your words together are magnificently effective in giving birth to your reality." ~ Conversations With God

You are the world!


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