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Self discipline. The only trait that separates successful and powerful people from those who aren't. Not some magic formula, or luck from the heavens. Self discipline. Self governance. 
I felt  it is such an important topic to talk about that thought  I share some of the key notes or wisdom I've gathered on this matter. So here we go.

“The price of discipline is greater than the pain of regret” ~ Robin Sharma 

How often have you had the experience of regretting doing something or not doing it solely because of lack of self control or were not self motivated enough to actually carry out? Yeah i have been there and now and again do trod that trail. I am working on it just as i suggest you do believe me.

Another thing that i think it is important to remember is that, "When you constantly practise self governance there will be no hurdle too high to overcome. No challenge too tough to surmount. And no crisis too hot to cool down. Self discipline will provide you with the mental reserves required to persevere." ~ The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

The roads to any place worth going are paved with the art of Self Discipline.  It is "Through the steel of discipline that you will forge a character rich with courage and peace. through the virtue of will you are destined to rise to life's highest ideals and live within a heavenly mansion filled wit all that is good, joyful and vital." ~ The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

And lastly Jim Rohn, one of the American great speaker on self development, had  this to say about discipline:

"Here’s the greatest value of discipline: Self worth. Self esteem. People are teaching self esteem these days but they don’t connect to disciplines. The least lack of discipline and it starts to erode our psyche. One of the greatest temptations is to just ease up a little bit. Right?  The slightest lack of doing your best starts to erode the psyche. Instead of doing your best doing less than your best. Sure enough you say, well it’s only going to affect my sales. No! It is going to affect your consciousness; it is going to affect your philosophy. Now you have began in the slightest way to affect your own philosophy. Every let down affects the rest of your performance. If you don’t do something that needs/should be done today, you have failed in so far as that thing is concerned, you cannot foresee the results of even the most trivial act. Your neglect to do something small may cause a long delay in getting what you want. Here is the problem with the least neglect; neglect starts as an infection and if you don’t take care of it, it becomes a disease. And one neglect leads to another. And the worst of all when neglect starts, it diminishes our self worth, our self confidence, our self value.

You say, “Well how can I get back myself respect?”.You don’t have to go to 29 classes. All you have to do is start with the smallest discipline that now corresponds to you own philosophy like, “I should I could and I will.” No longer will I let neglect stack up on me so that I will have the sorry scenario few years from now giving some excuse instead of celebrating my progress. That’s the key to discipline.

Let’s get kids involved in the least of disciplines. One more, and  then one more, and then another one and then another one, and some more, and the first thing you are starting to weave a tapestry of a disciplined life, into which you can pour more wisdom and more attitude, and more strong feeling and more faith and more courage." ~ Jim Rohn

I hope this has given you the picture of the power of self discipline you have in you reach.

"Powerful is he who has himself in his own power." Seneca


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