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As many people are yelling the end of days are near, those who are Awake remember that we knew it would be as it is right now. Not the actual steel and rock details of it but we knew that the grid of human evolution and expansion will fill in as it is filling in. We knew this.

We all knew that we would come here in these interesting times in order to move humanity forward to re-awakening to the truth of It All, of All That Is. We knew this.

We knew that as we will explore this environment of diversity, that each of us would find our way to restructure consciousness and expand it even further, and that all of the other components will easily fit in with the new found bigger picture about humanity. We knew this.

When we said, and this was the most legendary part of all, “let US make man in our own image and likeness",we knew that was a collective agreement that all of us took part in and thrilled at as we imagined endless prospects that laid before us unlimited possibilities and experiences. We knew this.

We knew that there would be recordings of such agreements that we had laid before us, and that although the recordings labelled as history and gospels would vaguely explain to us the whole grand picture, we still understood that words can never fully express our eternity; the "eternalness" of our beings. It would be ineffable. We knew this. And more importantly is that, we knew there will be those who will come forth and awaken us from the slumber/forgetfulness that this time-space reality has placed upon us with its daily dramas and remind us that there are never really "end of days" and worldly dramas, but simple progression of levels of consciousness about humanity. We knew that some "truths" will pass to make way for the new, just as the leaves of a tree are shed to allow afresh new ones to bloom. We are the tree and, We knew this!

Of course all of this sound gibberish and fairy-tale like, as it should if you only regard yourself as only a physical being. 

"You are much more than we see in these physical bodies. And we know it is not always easy for you to see as you are using your physical senses to make the evaluation. But there is another part of you; greater and broader, and older that exists right now in the nonphysical dimension. Now that is a surprise to most of you. For while many of you accept that you have lived before this, that there was something before this physical experience, and while most of you want to believe, you are hoping that there is something beyond this physical experience, very few acknowledge that right now while you are physical, that there is a part of you, a greater part of you that remains in nonphysical dimension. We call it your Inner Being. Some of you call it your higher self or your soul. It matters not what you call it, but it is of great value for you to acknowledge that it exists, for there is wondrous Guidance and Knowings that is available to you from this Inner You.” ~Abraham

There is a far greater truth and story that is unfolding that we have grown accustomed to ignoring. Our "leaders" will not tell us about it because  most of them are lost in this forgetfulness they themselves are as perplexed as the followers. Yet there are great teachers, amongst us, and inside of us that remain patiently awake even in our human slumber. Those who remember, never seek to lead but simply point out the way and allow each soul to be its own path finder, just as we said we would do. One who seeks to go within will begin to see that which seems as a fairy tale to so many and oblivious to their origin, will beginning to tap in to this Inner Knowing. (Meditation)

We came forth to take that humanity beyond what it has been before, and to so many who still hold on to worn out truths and gospels  perceive such an evolutionary process as the extinction of man, where as it is an exaltation of man to an even higher plane of consciousness that we all knew we would take part in.

"While we understand that it is not easy to for you to see beyond your physical perspective, it is our knowing that as you read this words upon this subject, if you are wanting it, you will be guided to what we are calling an Awakening. A recognising of the Total You. We are wanting you to understand your value to All That Is, for you are adding unto with everything that you do, with every thought that you think, with every word that you speak. We want you to sense your value."~ Abraham

So when you hear people are disgruntled and shouting end of days are near, just know that We All knew. We all knew this, we all know this in our deepest part of ourselves. That is why not all of us are wanting to change the world completely to what we think is right, for even that is a relative thought in the whole true scheme of things; which is that we are here as magnificent creators to exude our own individual and collective magnificence. 

We knew this! We know!


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