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Did you know that God finds all choices to be beautiful? ALL, not some. Man find some choices not pleasing to their prejudices, and some pleasing, and many want to convince you that’s how God sees them as well. By God I am referring to the energy that is pulsating in every blade of grass, in every thunder storm, lion's roar and the orbiting of planets. The Source that is within you which is in everything.

As I was reading a book I just got recentlyby  Dr. Lindelani Mnguni, the was a psalm that the author had quoted Psalm 139: 13 - 14 says, "for you formed my inwards parts; you covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvellous are your works and that my soul knows very well."  And that’s when that thought hit me, God finds all your choices marvellous and beautiful and will assist you in fulfilling them. Whether they serve you or don't serve you. All of that is up to you, as you are deciding who you are. So if God "knew your substance, being yet unformed" and "in his book they were all written", do you suppose then God could allow anything bad if he hates "bad"? And do you still suppose an existence of hell if all choices are beautiful in the eyes of the creator? Remember, wrong and right a value judgments set by man as he decides who he is; which is what we all came here to do. To decide and remember who we are. And which God allowed, as He saw beauty in it. And God sees beauty because S/he is beauty. "We see the world not as it is but as we are."  I will always refer back to that quote. This even applies to God because it is a natural law S/he laid down.

God sees all choices as beautiful, that's why S/he "supports" the choices the criminal makes with the same intensity as the choices the saints made. (Well its really more about the law's response to all man's intention than actual volition from someone outside.) That's why they succeed in robberies most of the time. The choices of prostitutes are as beautiful as those of the nuns. All that man claims that God hates is a reflection of his own prejudices. God holds no prejudice. S/he is All Free. Not bound to any choice but is in all choices.

In all; through all; and for all. That's the true God's characteristics. Others are just poor substitute of man's obsession with making God a man. (Pun intended). I know some won't like this because it takes out the exclusivity in God and makes Her for all. But of course all this depends on your philosophy. This may be too "New Agey"  and too esoteric to accept, especially if you have been taught that God prefers one way and disapproves another. Which I completely understand. You don't have to accept what I say. If what I say feels wrong or off, dismiss it. I'm just saying, God is beautiful because you are beautiful, and all your choices can't be anything but beautiful. A chocolate fountain can only spring out chocolate. It doesn't spring chocolate first then vinegar. Disregard what you have accepted about people for a moment, and consider that all man are made with goodness. And that all their choices are for the highest good even if it is very hard to see. God wanted you to have freedom and cannot punish you for that. Freedom is your true nature and all your choices are borne by of freedom and love. That's why they are beautiful, only you can lay judgments upon them, categorising them to what serves and what doesn't serve. To what frees you and what denies you freedom. And a choice made that doesn't serve you or denies you freedom is made out of lack of awareness of who you are. Just as darkness is the lack of awareness of light.

You're light and you are beautiful.


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