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It is my truest understanding and belief that this universe is a universe of summoning. It is a plane of constant expansion and becoming. We are living on the edge of creation as we move thoughts forward to fuller expression.This summoning is brought through by the asking, the wondering  and exploration of this time-space reality and from which springs forth the answering, and new understandings, which will still brings in more asking. We all unconsciously know this, that's why we are inherently asking, wondering,  and imagining beings, as we are inherently curious and want to know. We inherently understand the natural ebb and flow about the dynamics universe and how it is expanding all ways. 

We all knew and understood that whenever there is an asking, there will be an answer. The Law of Cause and Effect

We knew and fully understood (even though we cannot remember now) that once we come into these physical plane and take up physical bodies to participate in life experience, our asking will be heard and thus answered by All That Is, which is our Collective Universal Consciousness, One Source from  which we all came from, even though at first, general glance, it may appear to be coming from various avenues.
All the answers about this human experience have not yet been given because all the questions about the human experience have not yet been asked (speaking from this limited "time-space reality" perspective.) All of us here are continuing the asking, the further summoning of the answers, and thus continuing the expansion of this universe in multidimensional levels. However, a many of us are not aware of this and thus believe that all the answers about this present life have already been given and have been documented in a book or a selection of sacred books. which cannot be. 

To better share this understanding, I often elucidate this point with the Candle Stick and Electricity theory:

Just as there were suddenly questions and possible fears about nature of electricity, Edison and Tesla, some of the leading minds in the use of this new found energy, could not (and thank goodness they did not) look towards the "holy manual of candle light" to find the answers. The true answering to the new found electricity power was happening and given through the wondering,and imagining of what it is and thus new understanding of that which life has added unto the human experience.

All the questions about this Now reality have not been answered thousands of years ago its all being answered now as we move forward into more understanding and exploration. I know there are prophecies about such times, that's another topic on its own which I will touch on my article The Moment. Yet there are many who are insisting and relying on passed candle stick theories to deal with present electric light bulb questions. Others believe that the new answers or knowing that is coming forth is contradictory to the candle stick theory and thus heresy and deceptions. The majority of people experience huge discomfort (cognitive dissonance as they battle with letting go of old philosophies and ideas in order to embrace the new emerging understandings about this Human Experience

If we can begin to understand that we are the universe in form,  and that we are a constantly evolving and expanding species, we would begin to move with the natural rhythm of life and no longer feel fearful of the new or regretful of the old because we are never stationary. We are constantly becoming, (human Being), as we are a verb and not a noun. We live in a universe in which there are laws, and these laws are immutable and cannot be avoided. We see them evidenced in nature as one seed is multiplied into many seeds through the germination of the plant from the fertile soil. We too are seeds, and the fertile soil in which we germinate through is what we call life experience. When we beginning to understand our very nature we begin to work in harmony with the laws that govern the nature of this universe,which is expansion.

This is a universe of divine and multifaceted proportion and our exploration of it the asking and answering thus continuing the expansion of it which ultimately puts the eternalness into infinity. The ultimate answer about the human experience is that there is no ultimate answer because there is no final question.

We are  the question and the answer, the beginning that has no end and the end that has no beginning. There answers about humanity are WITHING US, AS US.

You cannot hear answers to questions you are not asking.

And the Source of that which we all are is answering every single moment in a language an manner that is best understood by the inquisitor. Each of Us just need to be open and listen to the answering with our common senses (Intuition).


  1. If you can remember when we where children or think of a child, the only thing that drives them is inquisitiveness-the willingness to know what? Why? And how? Ever since we where born we have been in the quest to know things, in this regard to ask question and seek info. We turn to loss this ability as we grow up. The reason to this is simply the assumption. You see the mind doesn't work very well with uncertainty or not being sure of something, meaning people will forever jump into conclusion on a certain topic with very limited knowledge just because they never want to be seen that they don't know.

    Well the aim is to ask and seek as much questions to things you don't know in order to get as much answer as possible. It's true not everything has been revailed to us but with the correct question being asked they will, they should. The universe can never summon you to something u have never requested hence the summon depends on the questions in order to get answers. Personally i have learnt this because without the query of my mind with is natural, i have chosen to gain answers. After all that's what brings improvement, growth, development, which was what a human "BEING" intented to be or do. "Ask and it shall be given".


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