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Honour Your Process

Your path, journey, is uniquely yours. No other being has and will ever walk or experience it but you.  You're the most special and specific being to walk this path you're on. Your exploration of this path and varieties that it comes with is uniquely adding to the expansion of not only you but the overall expansion of Source, All-That-Is. Your wonderful participation is of immense value and it would be nice if you began to see that.
You are the physical manifestation of the energy that fills the entire universe and dimensions. You are extensions of Source Energy and the life path that you are living is uniquely yours. Your life is an outgrowth of desires; desires you've had even before you came into this physical reality, and which desires are what are constantly guiding your ship from the moment of  your first heartbeat (you came with intentions). They are forever present, and moving you about through this life together with each of your now-present desires you're giving birth to every single day of your life. Your life process is a sanctified journey and should not be undermined or compared to anyone else who is with you on this eternal journey of self-realisation. Each of us are unique heavenly beings, uniquely adding to universal expansion, evolution; the manifestation of the power and glory of Source; God. Therefore, honour your process. Cherish your path, your life, yourself.
Life is forever moving to the rhythm of your soul and your desires, and as Iyanla Vanzant  said , "when you are ready to do a new thing, in a new way, you will do it, with new people. There are always people, events and circumstances waiting for who you are becoming and you select each with the choices you make and desires you hold. Always seek to be gentle with yourself. Honour your Self. No matter what you do, it is the best you can do under the given circumstance with the information you have at the time.The conditions you face do not define you. They are just there it remind you who you are and who you want to be...

Each of us in the process of remembering our heritage, as children of the Great Spirit. You came here with an objective, your destiny which is etched in your soul. For your path to make sense, begin honouring it as it is. Get close to your Source who will assist in revealing the intentions with which you came to fulfil and will be there always to offer guidance. Your path will begin to feel good to you, you'll feel liberated and alive. You will finally understand the immense worth you hold and have to offer to the entire universal community.

Just Honour Your Process.


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