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Business 101: Becoming an Investor.

What is one of the key disciplines that any successful corporation practises? INVESTING. Every business relies on investing for success, and for the incredibly successful businesses they invest like crazy; in R&D, and product lines. Heck, even our own economy relies on investors in order to grow. So why not be an investor. Probably the first and almost immediate objection to this suggestion is "I don't have money to invest." And I for one, am completely in agreements with that. However, why not invest the one resource that you always have at your disposal - TIME. That's right. Invest your time. Ah, suddenly it seems so obvious now doesn't it, but would you like to guess on how many people actually overlook this important fact? (By the way, this is can well be a lecture on time management). And since all investment have the dominant factor of Time in them, why not begin by turning your focus on this one incredible resource and use it to your personal investment pursuits...
This thought actually hit me when I thought about what one of my friends (whose an amazing poet by the way, and might be reading this) is busy with, which is being involved in foreign exchange investing. It made me wonder that, "well, since I don't have enough money to take part in such an endeavour yet, how can I still become an investor ? How can I leverage things so as to get better money trends?" And then it hit me - if time is money, (but I don't have money), surely  then I can use what I have to leverage things to create money. Another way to look at is, “how can I lay foundations in order to allow money to begin flowing into my experience?” And the answer was simple, Leverage your time. No use in wasting it on wishing for more money before you can begin to be an investor. Use it as your reason to become one. A foreign trader of time! That sounds cool don't you think.
Time is the most revered yet often the most squandered of our resources. It is the universal currency which its value is dependent upon the possessor. In one of my earlier articles I suggested how important it is that you begin to see yourself as the most valuable asset in the most important company called life. Therefore, seek to be an incredible investor in this corporation and invest your resource wisely . Begin to deliberately tap in and develop investment skills and start playing the game of economics by investing in your own corporation wisely. You don't need money. In fact money will be the product of your investment with your time... Look to see where and how your investment is being used. Successful businesses and investors understand that they need to invest in assets and projects that have high impact and thus will generate the highest returns possible. What kind of projects and assets are you investing on? Where does your universal currency go?
Whether its business, personal, or professional, the greatest investment is with your time; the more time you invest on worthy projects, the more impressive returns you will get. You have everything you need now to create any amount of abundance that you desire: time and your Me Inc. And with these two consistently in place, let's start investing and trading wisely. "Wealth is the product of a man's ability to think."
Be an investor.


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