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Showing posts from May, 2013


Simplicity is the order of mastery. Making life simple is what mastery is all about, and heavens know how challenging that can be, especially nowadays where we are bombarded with so much information and influence. But the key to simplification is personal values. And the key to that is finding out your values in life, and then conducting yourself in accordance with those values. What you will usually find out or begin to see is that your values will be centred on what you are being (happy, generous, wise) and not so much on what you are doing. But how does one find out their true values and start being and living by them? The first key to any form of mastery is studying and observing. First key principle to self-mastery is study and observation; this is also the key to Wisdom. Hold yourself up for scrutiny. Take a  good look at your present truths and assumptions. Are they serving you? Question your own assumptions and conclusions. If you find that your present truths ar...


Is there ever a time where its reasonable to have faith? Like really. When is it reasonable to have faith? Because if you think about it, whenever its reasonable to have faith it is no longer faith but just rationalisation.. When you have reasons to have faith its just that, reasons. Faith has no reason either than you really wanting something. Faith is not based on any concrete evidence, ever. Faith is the decision of a mind to maintain a disciplined positive expectation of a desired outcome.. And most of us fail in this because our faith fluctuates.. Usually we want reasons to have faith.. The most interesting part in life is that most of who we desire to be is dependant on faith. Just choosing to expect the best and that is independent of any religious beliefs or philosophy. Its a consistent act of a person to choose faith over fear, fear over not having concrete evidence to back it up. Faith is the complete surrender of the need to control things and to have it all f...

Honour Your Process

Your path, journey, is uniquely yours. No other being has and will ever walk or experience it but you.   You're the most special and specific being to walk this path you're on. Your exploration of this path and varieties that it comes with is uniquely adding to the expansion of not only you but the overall expansion of Source, All-That-Is. Your wonderful participation is of immense value and it would be nice if you began to see that. You are the physical manifestation of the energy that fills the entire universe and dimensions. You are extensions of Source Energy and the life path that you are living is uniquely yours. Your life is an outgrowth of desires; desires you've had even before you came into this physical reality, and which desires are what are constantly guiding your ship from the moment of  your first heartbeat (you came with intentions). They are forever present, and moving you about through this life together with each of your now-present desires yo...

JUST CHILL!!! ~ Max Simon

There's something really challenging that happens when your life, your identity and your focus is always on the "next big thing", you stop enjoying and appreciating where you are right now. You become so focused and obssessed on getting some place else that you never give yourself permission to just be okay with your life and situations right in this moment. "Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it."  ~ William Feather In this life it is important that you cultivate a fuel source that essentially says, "l am having a blast creating this big vision as I go." By focusing too greatly on the future and forgetting the present, you are setting yourself up for disappointment by postponing your happiness. You deserve to be happy and fulfilled right now. Nothing new or different needs to happen for you to realise that your life is meaningful and purposeful right now...

Business 101: Becoming an Investor.

What is one of the key disciplines that any successful corporation practises? INVESTING. Every business relies on investing for success, and for the incredibly successful businesses they invest like crazy; in R&D, and product lines. Heck, even our own economy relies on investors in order to grow. So why not be an investor. Probably the first and almost immediate objection to this suggestion is "I don't have money to invest." And I for one, am completely in agreements with that. However, why not invest the one resource that you always have at your disposal - TIME . That's right. Invest your time. Ah, suddenly it seems so obvious now doesn't it, but would you like to guess on how many people actually overlook this important fact? (By the way, this is can well be a lecture on time management). And since all investment have the dominant factor of Time in them, why not begin by turning your focus on this one incredible resource and use it to your personal investmen...


Getting what you want is success ; and success is an effect , coming from the application of a cause . Success is essentially the same in all cases; the difference is in the thing that successful people want but not in the success. Success is attainment, without regard to the things attained. It is a law in nature that like causes always produce like effects; therefore, since success is the same in all cases, the cause of success MUST be the same in all cases. The cause of success is always IN the person who succeeds. You will see that this must be true, because if the cause were in nature, OUTSIDE the person, then all persons similarly situated would succeed. It would be wholly a matter of neighbourhood. Mathematically, if you find out the cause of success and develop it to a sufficient strength and apply it properly to your work, the application of the cause sufficiently cannot fail to produce a given effect. Failure results in the insufficiency of the cause or the not being applie...


Imagine living in a world where every movie you see has the same story line. Imagine if the only choice of drink was water and the only flavor of ice cream was chocolate (okay maybe that one wouldn't be so bad). Imagine that every conversation with every person made the same point. And imagine that every day had the same ending and that every thought reflected the same idea. There's a point I'm getting to. Please stay with me. When I go into organisations to help inspire, develop and elevate employees so they play at world-class levels (and I've been crisscrossing this planet on this Leadership Crusade for nearly ten years now), I often see mission statements espousing a respect for diversity. "We at ClientCo value differences and cherish diversity." And, most of the companies I work with actually do. But here's my question: Do you? Do you really get the brilliance of diversity? When you really think about it, it's the people who see the world through ...


It is my truest understanding and belief that this universe is a universe of summoning. It is a plane of constant expansion and becoming. We are living on the edge of creation as we move thoughts forward to fuller expression.This summoning is brought through by the asking, the wondering   and exploration of this time-space reality a nd from which springs forth the answering, and new understandings, which will still brings in more asking. We all unconsciously know this, that's why we are inherently asking, wondering,  and imagining beings, as we are inherently curious and want to know. We  inherently  understand the natural ebb and flow about the  dynamics  universe and how it is expanding all ways.  We all knew and understood that whenever there is an asking, there will be an answer. The Law of Cause and Effect .  We knew and fully understood (even though we cannot remember now) that once we come into these physical plan...

Spiritual Awakening

What is spiritual awakening? Is it entering a state of unimaginable bliss, where all is well? Or could it be more or less like waking up from a deep slumber, your vision is blurred, your thoughts are a bit turbulent and focus is murky, sort of like being woken up abruptly from a strong sleep by someone in the middle of the night.. Spiritual Awakening is : the urging of your Soul to wake the egotistic You up to the true reality , which most are still asleep from and enjoying the illusion that many label as reality.  Ever watched The Matrix? That is probably the best way explain and to grasp this concept. People are waking up to the matrix. However many are still in with love the matrix  and thus will fight to keep it as it is through religions and  legislation . There is an Awakening that is taking place throughout the planet.  You may not know that you are witnessing it but it is all around...


Are your dreams big enough? Do they scare you? Are they so ridiculously big that you are often embarrassed or hesitant to share them? Such questions can't help but arise as one decides to craft an extraordinary life; a life that many wish for and yet few accomplish. I read an article on Felix Baumgartner not long ago, after hearing from a friend about what he did. If you are unfamiliar with him, his the Red Bull Dare Devil who sky jumped from the stratosphere  and set a world record for the highest jump and being the first man to break the sound barrier of a vehicle reaching a supersonic speed of 1.24 Mac .. I have to admit, watching the video I was probably more terrified than he was, because of the view; it was just too spectacular (and very high) like that you would usually see on those national geographic space programs... This brings me to BIG DREAMS. It is a scary thing to attempt to do, be, or have so...

Quick business or career question: why are you in business?

Why are you doing what you are doing? There are two possible answers to this question. One, it is because you want to make money. Or two, it is because you want to add value. This is not only a question that aspiring entrepreneurs should consider. Even as an employee or student, or anyone who’s doing something with their time, you should ask yourself: why am I doing what I am doing? What's the overall objective? This may seem to be a rather elementary question to ask and in need of no thoughtful consideration in whatever endeavour you may find yourself, but it is the most important question to ask one's self: Why do I do what I do? What's my objective? What's my core reason? This is such a powerful exercise that, most often it may cause people to realise just how they spend their time and effort in unworthy pursuits. This begs the question of how can I then turn my passion or interest into something valuable to me and possibly others. Can I really move my passion into ...

Conversations with the "Weirdos" by Robin Sharma

CONVERSATIONS WITH ECCENTRICS Only leaders (and we all can Lead Without Title) who are willing to think differently can out-innovate everyone around them. Thinking the same thoughts produces the same results. Leadership is all about being The Brave Creative out in front in your marketspace (and your career) versus doing things the way everyone else does them. Business doesn't need more copycats. Business needs more Dreamers. Apple came up with the gorgeous (and now ubiquitous iPod). Now there are so many products with the letter "i" in front of it I've lost track. Too much copying. Not enough leading. A well-respected business leader told me about a CEO who did something that made me smile. He hired a young wonder kid fresh out of business school - a kid who was not only brilliant but thought differently and wasn't afraid to voice his eccentric thoughts. The mandate of the new hire? Sit on the company's management team and consistently challenge ideas that fos...

Do you see yourself as an enterprise?

Do you see yourself as an enterprise? Ask any successful business tycoon or anyone who has achieved amazing success in any endeavour as to what is the secret, and they will tell you, the secret is the ability of seeing themselves as an enterprise, a corporation worthy of being attended to. They understand that their greatest asset is themselves, which may explain why sometimes business people may be seen as shrewd or selfish.. Its because they are committed to the investment of their number one product, themselves.. This business analysis I picked up in almost all the business books that I had  time to feast my "short-sighted" eyes on (I wear glasses).. Investing in your own self development is key to running a successful business such as yourself. This may be a strange way of viewing yourself, but take it from the wealthy. After all, it is what separates them from the many. If you want to really be successful in any endeavou...

Generation eXcellence

I was reading some wonderful notes from Robin Sharma's Little Black Book of Stunning Success ( ) and a thought crossed my mind: have we settled for mediocrity in our society?  Have we  allowed ourselves to tolerate mediocrity in our lives, because the truth is we interact with the aspects of the world which match our own standards. We see the world not as it is but as we are . How often do we offer less than our best to the quality of relationships with ourselves and things.? Are we allowing the quality of our lives be compromised due to what everybody else is doing? This is even evident  to how we  treat nature. The care with which we have for our natural environment is something of grave concern, and many defend this mediocre behaviour with "everybody else is doing it." and the worst one yet, "We are creating jobs for others"  Have we accepted me...