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"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress in the world depends on the unreasonable man."~ George Bernard Shaw

It is reasonable for people to go in a direction where there is less resistance. This can be easily understood even further by thinking of human beings a electrical charges in the current circuit called the universe. It is a known physics fact that charges will always seek to pass through a conductor with less resistance than the one with more resistance. Not that there aren't charges that go through the more resistant conduct, just that the majority prefer the easier/common route.

For years or since the begin of human experience, man has always encountered a fork in a road, and deciding which to take determined what sort of experience one would have through the journey called Life.

"Two roads divulge in the road, and I took the road less travelled by and that has made all the difference". Robert Frost.

Life is really fun if you can learn to deal with the uncertainty factor that's engraved at its core. However, because of this resistance or uncertainty that people fear so much, life has thus become monotonous and not really valued for most. For many the predominant that they have this idea that there is only one way to getting to a destination, whether here on earth or heavens. And that it would surely be reasonable to walk through the path that so many have travelled because you are guaranteed safety.

If you want to experience life at its fullest glory you have to follow your own guidance and heart, and believe that there is more than just one way, as sure as there is more than just one position of the sun in the sky.

Martin Luther King Jnr once said, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy." Taking the most popular path may give you some "assurance" (which isn't certain for we are each different) but it means you just let others determine your experiences and destination for you. You give away the most precious gift after life, which is the gift to choose. You bury the potential and desires that you were meant to manifest.

It has been said that if you don't know how to manage your time, people will manage it for you. Likewise with your thoughts, if you don't manage what you allow your mind to think about, people will freely impress that upon you. It’s important to remember that your thoughts create your reality, which means that if people will allow themselves to think differently from the masses, they will have different experiences from the mass. If you like what the mass experiences, then keep thinking like the masses. But if you want something else, think something else. And it follows then that there is more than one way of reaching your desired destination which ultimately is happiness and contentment.
The fear of being different has blinded man from the possibilities that are laid out there before him. 
The pride of belonging has robbed us of joy true fulfillment.

"Trust your instincts. Your mistakes might as well be your own instead of someone else's." ~ Billy Wilder.


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