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Showing posts from 2014


I usually like to take a walk at midnight when the world is silent to just feel for Something Broader . And one Monday night I went to go get some bread at a petrol station close by. In my head I was just going through some meditation, as I always do, to raise my vibration so as to connect even much stronger with the cosmos. It is dark and quiet and one cannot help but feel the deepness of his surroundings. As I gently and calmly trod along, I began to feel as though someone or something was watching me. I felt Essence. Have you ever had that feeling that something or someone is watching you? Usually this happens especially during the night when you are walking by yourself. You probably have noticed how most people tend to have their senses heighten during such times and often have some form of paranoia whenever they are walking at night. Most of the time they are anticipating or being alert should something or someone be out try to harm them. You probably have had these types o...


I have met enlightened people from all walks of life. I've met an enlightened upcoming rap artists. I've met very enlighten Christian people, I've met others who are Rastafarian, traditional healers, and scientists, and even Hip-hop artists. There is all kinds of enlightenment from all different walks of life. All enlightened beings posses one distinct characteristic and that is, they are so well in tune of the awareness that all things are one, and that no one mode of philosophy or theological translation of what divinity is, is better than the other. Enlightenment is no respecter of colour or creed or religion. All things in the universe work to bring enlightenment because everything illuminates and everything is essentially one thing. One can become enlightened by reading and meditating on the words of the bible and one can become enlightened by reading and contemplating studies and research compiled by science. Enlightenment is always readily attainable for ...


Recently I have started a new business venture that I am both excited and a bit nervous about because it’s something I have never done before. And I was reading a book by one of the great leaders in this business Jim Dornan, and in his book he touched on an interesting subject of Forgiveness. It was interesting so much for me because it reminded me of the incident back at my house between my mom and brother. They had a squabble over something that I think was trivial but of course if one is determined to be right, even the smallest of things get blown out of proportion. So after they had their misunderstanding (often that is just the case between arguments), I noticed how my mother was affected by her inability to just let things be and let it go. She was just adamant to inflict some emotional blackmail upon my brother by continuing to choose to cling to the poison of grudge. (Often times this is a mechanism used by parents and even us at times, to get people to do our will instea...


“As soon as you are born they make you feel small. By giving you no time instead of it all. Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all Working class hero is something to be” These are lyrics from John Lennon's song “Working Class Hero.” I recently posted on Facebook that for most people, job title is the only thing they can boast. And that most people they don't even enjoy the jobs that they hold but will use the titles as a "glamour" front to appear as established and having it made... It’s sad. In the current society that we live in, we have been institutionalised to denounce our creative geniuses for the promised land of job security and comfort. As attractive, and surely comforting this is, what it does it stops growth and creativity. It is actually a penitentiary used to imprison everyone throughout the spectrum without any regard for gender, age or colour. We have been taught, quite literally, on how not to be individual and creat...


"Wealth is a product of a man's ability to think." Ayn Rand Often in the news we are shown constant images of how a number of the population is struggling while probably only one tenth is swimming in riches they don't even know what to do with it. I will not assume a position of denying this present situation. "Wealth" seems to be monopolised and to some degree it probably is and there has been outcry for “redistribution of wealth”. However, it would be liberating to remember and acknowledge that the “wealth” that   is monopolised is only the erroneous idea about wealth that most people have been blinded with, which is mainly monetary. It is only a fraction, or a pot of gold, of the mountain of gold that lies unnoticed or explored. This mountain of wealth is invisible to many of us because we have our eyes set on the small pot of gold that only a few have gotten their hands on. We are in an era of a paradigm shift where we are resh...


Recently in one of my favourtie Facebook group called “LETS TALK”, which is about getting South Africans to post and discuss issues that are on their mind, there has been recent and consistent update that seem to have one sentiment and that is, constant attacks on Christians or believers. It is so interesting to observe how people who do not like or believe in something invest so much time and energy in bashing it, thus they remain captives of the very thing they are not in support of. The irony is that as they are busy condemning it, it in turn condemns them. (Read the comments from the Christians and you will see what I mean. “ What you do to another you do to yourself,” as the adage goes.) No one knows the bible better than the atheists, and the irony is that this makes them no different from the people who actually believe in it. And the reason is because, pushing against something makes you a match to it. The more you push against something, the more you cement it i...


Positive thinking doesn’t work for most people because of one simple truth and that is – Thinking is a skill. And most people haven’t mastered The Art of Thinking. Just because you can inhale air in an out of your lungs doesn’t necessarily mean you know how to breath effectively, remember how as a  kid when the doctor instructed “breathe in” and you would actually make a whizzing sound when in haling because you wanted to indicated that they are breathing, because you clearly knew there was more to it.  So you see, it actually is a skill. I was inspired to write this article tone because of a post someone had forwarded to me. It said… “…Positive thinking is offered up in the U.S. as a cure for cancer, a path to untold riches, and a sure-fire way to engineer your own success. Indeed believing that success depends upon one’s attitude is far preferable to Americans than recognizing that their success is the outcome of the tilted scales of race, class, and gender. As Eh...