Are your dreams big enough? Do they scare you? Are they so ridiculously big that you are often embarrassed or hesitant to share them? Such questions can't help but arise as one decides to craft an extraordinary life; a life that many wish for and yet few accomplish. I read an article on Felix Baumgartner not long ago, after hearing from a friend about what he did. If you are unfamiliar with him, his the Red Bull Dare Devil who sky jumped from the stratosphere and set a world record for the highest jump and being the first man to break the sound barrier of a vehicle reaching a supersonic speed of 1.24 Mac ..

When you have a really compelling dream or aspiration, its kind of hard to sleep at night (I try, believe me, but this passion to help people be great through my blogs keeps me up). It has been said that when you find an incredibly passionate aspiration, you'll feel fire in your belly.. Your dreams don't have to be extravagant in order to impress others; they need to be extravagant in order to impress you. They need to inspire and command the next better version of you to come through.
"Set a goal so big that you can't achieve it until you grow into the person who can." ~ Unknown.
After all that is really what all the accomplishment is about. Success isn't something you pursue; it’s something you become as a result of your pursuits...
So I'll live you with a thought or two: are your dreams big enough, do they embarrass you when you feel like sharing them? If so, that's when you know you have an exceptional dream. Oh and one more thought: having exceptional dreams means you will spend many times having to defend them just like a mother defends her offspring from predators. The main predator being your own mind.
"Set a goal so big that you can't achieve it until you grow into the person who can." ~ Unknown.
After all that is really what all the accomplishment is about. Success isn't something you pursue; it’s something you become as a result of your pursuits...
So I'll live you with a thought or two: are your dreams big enough, do they embarrass you when you feel like sharing them? If so, that's when you know you have an exceptional dream. Oh and one more thought: having exceptional dreams means you will spend many times having to defend them just like a mother defends her offspring from predators. The main predator being your own mind.
Remember I am in this with you :)
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